There are several known ways to get to Vnukovo Airport from Moscow. All of them will be listed below in ascending order of price.
Public transport
The most economical way to get to Vnukovo Airport is by public transport. At the moment, there are several routes in this direction, it all depends on which Moscow metro station it will be more convenient for you to board the bus. For example, route 611 passes through the Rumyantsevo, Troparevo and Yugo-Zapadnaya metro stations. From the metro station "Salaryevo" to Vnukovo airport can be reached by bus number 911 and 272. Almost all buses start their movement at 6 am, except for 272 - it starts at 5 am.
Travel time will be approximately 40 minutes to 2 hours, it all depends on the traffic on the main routes.
The fare in 2017 is 55 rubles, which is equivalent to one metro ride. If you have a Troika card (a plastic transport card that is sold at all Moscow metro ticket offices, its collater althe cost is 50 rubles and it has no statute of limitations), then 35 rubles will be deducted from it for one trip - this is very beneficial if you often use the services of Moscow transport.

Kazansky railway station - Vnukovo airport: how to get there by bus?
If you do not live in Moscow and arrived in the capital by train, then most likely you will find yourself on the square of three stations: Kazansky, Leningradsky and Yaroslavsky. You need to follow the signs located in the station building to the subway. The station of the Three Stations is called "Komsomolskaya". Further, from the two subway lines you will see a brown one - this is an annular one and a red one - a radial one. Since you are heading to the airport, you will need a red line. The journey from the station "Komsomolskaya" to "Yugo-Zapadnaya" will take approximately 24 minutes. To "Troparevo", "Rumyantsevo" and "Salaryevo" - a few minutes longer. After you have arrived at one of these stations, you should go up the escalator and get off at the ground transport stop in the direction of Vnukovo Airport. Buses run every 10 to 20 minutes.

There are also minibuses for those who go to Vnukovo from Kazansky railway station with small luggage. Minibuses travel much faster, but the cost will be 2 times higher and the Troika card is not provided in them.
The travel time from Kazansky railway station to Vnukovo will be 1.5 hours in total, if the mainthe tracks will be unloaded.
These modes of travel are suitable for almost everyone, except for those whose flights are early in the morning or at night.
This method does not guarantee that you will get to the airport at the right time. It is recommended that you arrive at the airport at least three hours before check-in.
To Vnukovo Airport via the companion service
Nowadays, there are also all kinds of services for profitable tourism and travel. For example, the most popular of them is Bla bla car. This application can be installed on your smartphone with any operating system. The point of this service is that drivers can recoup the cost of gasoline. What does he give to a fellow traveler? You can choose the optimal cost of the trip, the driver with whom you will go, the conditions of travel (luggage, departure stop) and even see photos of those who will go with you. This service works absolutely free - the fare to Vnukovo varies from 90 to 350 rubles. Agree, a good option.

Now Aeroexpress is considered to be a very practical and popular way to get to the airport. This is an updated version of the electric train with all kinds of amenities and services. Aeroexpress departs for Vnukovo from the ground railways of the Kievsky railway station. Accordingly, the nearest metro station to the station is Kyiv.
If you start your journey to the airport from the aforementioned Komsomolskaya metro station (Threestations), then in this case you will need to choose the Circle line (brown) and go to the Kyiv station, then also go up the escalator towards the Kievsky railway station, there will be signs on top indicating the direction to the station.
Tickets for Aeroexpress Vnukovo can be purchased before departure, during the trip or after it. The fare depends on the place of purchase - when buying a ticket on the official website, one-way fare is 420 rubles, at the box office and self-service terminals - 500 rubles. It is beneficial if you purchase a ticket for the whole family. A child ticket will cost you a little less.

The convenience of this method is that you will get to the airport without traffic jams and all sorts of delays on the way: the electric train goes non-stop. The travel time will be from 35 to 38 minutes. The carriages have comfortable soft seats, luggage racks, free Wi-Fi Internet, restrooms, as well as snacks and drinks for an additional fee.
Aeroexpress to Vnukovo runs from 6 am to midnight, the interval is from 30 minutes to 1 hour.
The total travel time from Kazansky railway station to Vnukovo by Aeroexpress will be approximately 1 hour. This is the fastest and most reliable way.
Taxi "Vnukovo - Kazansky railway station": cost
For those whose flights are carried out after midnight, you can use the services of a taxi. There are a lot of different applications and taxi services. For example: Uber, "Yandex. Taxi", Get and others. After installing the application, you need to indicate the location and destination address. After that, the price, travel time, car brand and driver's name will be displayed. In some taxi companies, the price to the airport is fixed. The average cost of a taxi from Vnukovo to the center of Moscow costs from 900 to 3,500 rubles - it depends on the brand of the car and the company providing transportation. We recommend using official services.

Vnukovo on your own transport
If you are going to Vnukovo on your own vehicle, you can use the navigator by writing the name of this airport in the search bar. The navigator will make the best route, taking into account traffic jams. The airport has round-the-clock car parks and hotels. The cost of these services can be found on the official website of the air hub.