Barguzinsky Bay is the largest and deepest water area of Lake Baikal. The reservoir is named after the Barguzin River, which flows into it along the center of the eastern coast. The bay cuts inland for as much as thirty kilometers.
The coastline of the reservoir is framed by a vast dune, the width of which in some places reaches several hundred meters. The sandy spit is dotted with free-standing cedars with an original flag-like crown. Such tree crowns are formed under the influence of winds with a stable direction. Barguzinsky beach, bordering the pond, is a wonderful place to relax.
Geographic location of the Barguzin Bay
The reservoir is located on the territory of the Barguzinsky district of Buryatia. Barguzinsky Bay, starting in the central part of Baikal, forms the eastern coast of the lake. The water area of the bay, located north of the mouth of the Barguzin River, is part of the Zabaikalsky National Park.

The reservoir is separated from the Chivyrkuisky Bay with a beautiful sandy coast by a tiny isthmus. The northern water area of the Barguzinsky Bay is considered an independent reservoir. They call it Kultuk Bay. The water area of Kultuk occupied a picturesque place where the sand dune merges with the Svyatoi Nos peninsula.
Barguzinsky Bay on Lake Baikal is adjacent to the villages of Ust-Barguzin and Maksimikha, as well as the Glinka area. A hiking trail leads to the Holy Cape peninsula, to its plateau, from the Glinka area. The plateau offers amazing panoramic views of the colorful expanses of the Barguzinsky and Chivyrkuisky bays.
The Barguzin Valley adjoins the coastline of the bay. Numerous mineral springs endowed with healing power are located here. But not only they attract travelers here. Majestic ridges of stunning beauty rise above the valley. Many tourists and climbers can't wait to climb them, conquer the mountain peaks.
Description of the Barguzin Bay
The area of the water surface of the bay is about 725 m2. The depth of the reservoir varies greatly. In the area of the mouth of the Barguzin River, the water column is only one meter, and at the entrance to the bay, a depth of 1000 meters is noted. The maximum depth of the water area here is kept at around 1284 meters.
At the entrance to the Barguzinsky Bay - in the place formed by capes Krestovy and Nizhnye Izgolovye - the width is up to 22.8 kilometers. The maximum width - 38 kilometers - was recorded in the area delineated by the borders of the village of Maksimikha and the Glinka area, adjacent to the K altuk Bay. The coastline between Capes Krestovy and Nizhnye Izgolovye stretched for 90 kilometers.

Northernthe coast, edging the Svyatoi Nos peninsula, is high and steep. The southern coast from the place where the rocky Cape Kholodyanka is located is mountainous. Its expanses are covered mainly with taiga. The east coast, bordering the Chivyrkui Isthmus and the mouth of the Barguzin, is low. Sandy and sandy-pebble beaches stretch along it. There are swampy areas, small lakes. The coast was covered with forest-shrub and marsh-meadow vegetation.
From the east, the largest tributary of Lake Baikal, the Barguzin River, flows into the waters of the bay. On the south side, the Barguzinsky Bay, the photos of which are magnificent, is fed by the Dukhovaya stream. Its sources are in the lake of the same name and the Maksimikha and Gromotukha rivers. The rivers flow into Maksimikha Bay. In the north, the waters of the Makarov stream became the source of food for the bay. It flows along the bottom of the gorge, which settled on the southern slope of the Svyatoi Nos peninsula.
The plateau on the Svyatoy Nos peninsula is of constant interest to tourists. Climbing to it takes 7-8 hours along a rather thorny path. Many of the vacationers go on an excursion to the unique landscape monument of nature - the Ininsky rock garden, which is located near the village of Suvo. The natural garden, covering an area of 10 km2, is formed by large boulders.
On the Ikat Range, near the pass, there are cult sanctuaries of the Evenks. On the northern outskirts of Maksimikha, the doors of the ecological and ethnographic park-museum "Svetlaya Polyana" are open for tourists. It is a Cossack prison of the 17th century. Infrastructurethe museum complex includes guest houses.
Barguzinsky Bay Beach

A huge sandy beach stretches along the coast of the bay. It is considered the longest on Lake Baikal. It stretches from the Holy Nose peninsula to Barguzin. The beach framing the Kultuk Bay is recognized as the most comfortable for recreation. The water column here warms up to +22 °C in summer.
Tourist bases of the Barguzinsky Bay
Two settlements adjoin the beach: Ust-Barguzin and Maksimikha. Guest houses, recreation centers and boarding houses have been built in the settlements, where they receive guests who intend to visit the Barguzinsky Bay and relax on its beach.
The hostel "Holy Nose - Paradise" is located on the first coastline. The beach is just a 5 minute walk to the beach. In the village of Maksimikha there is a tourist center "Kumutkan". A 150-meter path winds from it to the beach with golden sand through a pine forest.

The recreation center "Dalai" settled near the Zabaikalsky National Park and the Barguzinskaya Valley, in Maksimikha. In the village of Gremyachinsk there is a tourist center "Gostiny Dvor". Guest house Synbad is located in the village of Ust-Barguzin.
In tourist complexes, guests are accommodated in buildings, cottages or detached houses with apartments of the "economy", "standard" and "luxury" categories, with Internet access. Meals are organized in local cafes, at recreation centers. They cook food according to the recipes of the Buryat and Russian cuisines. In addition, guests are providedthe ability to order specific dishes and place an order for a banquet.
Ideal for outdoor enthusiasts Barguzinsky Bay. The camp sites organize excursions for guests, including eco-tours and hiking. Here they are offered to make bicycle tours, mountain hikes and go fishing, get acquainted with the Ivolginsky datsan and the expositions of the ethnographic museum in Ulan-Ude.
You can also go on horseback, car and water trips. From a boat gliding along the water surface of the Baikal bays, natural pictures of amazing beauty open up. Excursion routes introduce travelers to the sights of the Barguzin Valley and the Zabaikalsky National Park.

Vacationers have fun on water rides, discos and show programs. Ride on water skis, catamarans, bananas. They are provided with zorbs, pucks, bicycles, balls, cross-country skis, badminton and so on. Tourists play billiards, table tennis. They visit a Russian bath, improve their he alth in a phytobarrel.
Territories of recreation centers are equipped with bonfires, barbecues, barbecues and smokehouses, playgrounds and rooms for children.
Reviews about holidays at the camp sites of the Barguzinsky Bay
Barguzinsky Bay makes an excellent impression on tourists. Rest at the camp sites scattered along the coast of the reservoir, according to the guests, invariably leaves pleasant memories. They take great care of vacationers, creating an atmosphere of home comfort.
Welcoming staff ensures qualityservice. The apartments are clean and comfortable. There is quite a lot of entertainment, you don’t get bored, every minute is busy - this is what those who chose the hidden corners of the Barguzinsky Bay for relaxation write in the reviews.