Mud Volcano Tamani Tizdar

Mud Volcano Tamani Tizdar
Mud Volcano Tamani Tizdar

In the Temryuk region (Krasnodar Territory), not far from the village of Za Rodinu, in the tract of Sinya Balka, there is the Azovskaya Sopka. This is the famous mud volcano. It is called the Blue Beam or Tizdar. The second name is associated with the name of the mountain, located one kilometer from this place.

Mount Tizdar rises 74 meters above sea level and is the beginning of the Golubitskaya ridge. Its volcanic origin is evidenced by the fact that at the water's edge there are deposits of ancient blue clay. In 1919, the cone of the Tizdar volcano collapsed (after an explosive eruption). Now the hill is a truncated cone.

Where are the mud volcanoes of Taman?

At the junction of Asia and Europe, where the Caucasus mountain range begins, there are about 30 mud volcanoes on Taman land. This is one of the significant natural attractions of the Krasnodar Territory. On the map below, you can see that such volcanic formations are scattered throughout the peninsula.

taman mud volcanoes how to get there
taman mud volcanoes how to get there

History titles

Why is the volcano often called Tizdar, and not the Azov Hill? Scientists of the Pyatigorsk State University in 2011 took samples to analyze the dirt from the hill. Subsequently, a balneological conclusion was published. In it, the deposit was named Tizdarskoye, and since then it has been fixed.

There are two translation options:

1. The name "Tizdar" clearly shows Turkic elements. “Tizgin” means “row”, “rank”, “chain”, and “jar” means “cliff”, “ravine”, “steep”. Apparently, the name of the oronym is associated with the ruggedness of this area.2. Translated from Turkish, the name means "chief, chief".

Description of the volcano Tizdar

After a powerful eruption that occurred in 1919, it acquired an interesting shape: its edges in the south are raised by 8 meters, and in the east they are almost equal to the sea terrace. The mud volcano Tamani Tizdar has a rather large crater with a diameter of about twenty-five meters. And inside there is a lake filled with volcanic mud masses of gray-blue color. Its diameter is approximately 20 meters.

Each year about 2.5 cubic meters of healing mud arrives. Its weight is 2.5 tons. Scientists suggest that the lake reaches a depth of 25 meters, more precise figures are not yet available.

mud volcano tamani
mud volcano tamani

Today, scientists call Tizdar an active volcano. It is considered the most studied on Taman. According to experts, the crater is regularly fed with healing mud coming through the central shaft from the bowels.volcano. Its mouth descends to the Cimmerian rocks, which lie at a depth of up to 300 meters.

The proportion of mud is quite high, so people can't drown here. The slurry securely holds them at chest level. Diving into the mud mass is not only useful, but also quite funny. It is impossible to swim in it, it remains only to flounder in one place. There is a restriction on the acceptance of such procedures - you cannot stay in the crater for more than 15 minutes.

Healing properties of volcanic mud

Tamani Tizdar Mud Volcano is known for the healing properties of its erupting bluish mass. What are they? Experts call the main therapeutic factor temperature, or heat. Under the influence of heat at the place where the mud is applied, blood vessels expand, blood flow increases, and metabolism in tissues accelerates. This helps to improve the nutrition of the affected skin and muscles, eliminate or reduce painful and inflammatory symptoms. The second therapeutic factor should be called chemical. The healing effect on the body occurs due to volatile compounds. Volcanic mud has a pronounced absorbable, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and weak bactericidal effect.

taman mud volcano tizdar
taman mud volcano tizdar

Mud treatment procedures increase regenerative and immunobiological processes, have a beneficial effect on carbohydrate, protein and water metabolism.

Composition of mud

The therapeutic effect is determined by the unique composition of the mud masses, as well as their low mineralization. Contents of the cratercontains: iodine and boron, biologically active ions of bromine and strontium, zinc and lithium, iron and magnesium, chlorine and calcium, selenium and manganese, humic and naphthenic gases and acids.

taman mud volcanoes reviews
taman mud volcanoes reviews

Tamani Tizdar mud volcano is characterized by a constant temperature of healing masses. In summer, the surface of the lake warms up to +20 degrees. There is one more important circumstance. All harmful substances (radionuclides, pesticides, s alts of heavy metals) are concentrated in the underground layers of volcano mud. Moreover, their number is below the standard values.

Mud therapy procedures are successfully combined with swimming in the sea, mineral and sea baths, massage, therapeutic exercises, gym classes (on the recommendation of a doctor), diet, physiotherapy.

He alth Island

People planning a vacation in the Krasnodar region are often interested in balneological resorts. They need to know literally everything: where are the mud volcanoes in Taman, how to get to them, where you can stay, how much such a pleasure costs, etc. Many experienced tourists recommend going to the He alth Island, a unique he alth complex. It is the best on the Azov coast. He has no analogues. The advantages of this object are determined primarily by its geographical location. It combines unique natural healing factors with modern infrastructure.

What makes Taman mud volcanoes unique? The benefits for the human body of mud volcanic masses and their healing properties are described in detail inbalneological conclusion. Let's get to know them too.

taman mud volcano how to get there
taman mud volcano how to get there

Tamani Tizdar Mud Volcano is located away from major industrial centers and busy highways, so the air here is the cleanest. According to the reviews of vacationers, this is a paradise place. It has everything for a comfortable rest and treatment: healing mud, unique natural landscapes, an excellent well-maintained beach, guarded parking, wine spas.

In 2010, this tourist complex was awarded the National Prize. Senkevich - diploma "The best tourist complex in Russia".

The use of mud in medicine

On the Taman Peninsula, the first clinic appeared in the second half of the 19th century (at the foot of the Rotten Mountain). Basically, serving Cossacks were treated here at that time. Until now, they tell here how patients who moved on crutches, after undergoing a course of mud therapy, left the hospital on their own feet. It was hard to say whether it was true or not, but today we can find out the reviews of modern patients of the He alth Island. But we will do this a little later.

where are the mud volcanoes taman
where are the mud volcanoes taman

One thing is certain: today thousands of people from different parts of our country visit Taman. Mud volcano Tizdar, according to the medical staff of the complex, is distinguished by healing mud, which rejuvenates the skin, heals wounds that do not heal for a long time. It is successfully used in the treatment of bruises and fractures, frostbite and burns. And that is not all. Volcanic mud is an indispensable assistant in the treatmentsome diseases of the nervous system, severe forms of polyarthritis, sciatica. As you can see, there are many indications for treatment, but we must not forget that you can start the procedures only after consulting with your doctor.


They exist and should not be neglected. Mud therapy is contraindicated for any neoplasms, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, varicose veins. With caution and with the permission of the attending physician, mud baths can be taken by pregnant women (in the early stages) and children under two years of age.

Opening hours and ticket prices

A ticket for an adult costs 500 rubles. Children under five years old can visit the complex for free. During the season (June-September) Tizdar receives visitors daily from 09.00 to 20.00. Ticket price includes:

  • stay on site;
  • taking a mud bath;
  • use of car park;
  • first aid.

Taman, mud volcano: how to get there?

The easiest way to visit Taman is as part of an excursion group. Such trips are now organized by many travel agencies in Krasnodar, Rostov-on-Don, Gelendzhik, Sochi, Anapa and other cities. A comfortable bus will take you directly to your destination.

If you want to go to the volcanoes on your own, then you need to come to Temryuk. From the bus station of this city, a fixed-route taxi number 103 departs every hour, following to the village of Za Rodinu. Traffic on this route starts at 6:30 and ends at 17:50. He alth Island is locatednext to the stop, after leaving the minibus, you will see a large sign.

Motorists can also visit Taman (mud volcanoes). How to get here by car? To do this, you should move along the Krasnodar-Temryuk highway. From Temryuk, turn right, to the village of Golubitskaya. From there follow the signs to the village Za Rodinu.

where are mud volcanoes in taman
where are mud volcanoes in taman

Resort reviews

Today, many Russians visit Taman. Mud volcanoes, reviews of which are different, attract not only people in need of treatment, but also ordinary tourists who are interested in an unusual place.

It must be said that patients with diseases of the musculoskeletal system really notice a significant improvement in their condition after mud therapy sessions. The same can be said about people suffering from various forms of polyarthritis, rheumatism.

Many patients report a significant improvement in skin condition. It becomes smooth, velvety, cleared of acne and irritation.

At the same time, visitors speak negatively about the organization of recreation: changing cabins are uncomfortable, and besides, they are not clean. Also, people note that the stairs by which people go down to the pool are always very slippery, which contributes to injury to vacationers. Let's hope that the administration will take these comments into account, and in the future the object will cause exceptionally positive emotions.
