Darwin Museum - a place everyone should visit

Darwin Museum - a place everyone should visit
Darwin Museum - a place everyone should visit

Darwin Museum… Of course, there are many similar places in our capital, and even more so in the country, but this is one of the most unique. It’s even a shame that many guests, and the residents of Moscow themselves, often forget about it, and officially it is called the State Darwin Museum. And in vain, because this institution can deservedly be called a real storehouse of knowledge.

Section 1. Darwin Museum. Children's hobby

The creator of the Darwin Museum, as you know, was the great scientist Alexander Fe

darwin museum map
darwin museum map

Dorovich Kots. How did such an idea come about? The fact is that this gifted and successful scientist, musician and teacher from childhood was fascinated by everything related to nature. Which, in principle, is not surprising, because his father, the botanist Alfred Karlovich Kots, passed on his love for all living things to Alexander. The fact that Sasha would become a biologist was immediately clear to everyone. Already at the age of 19, Alexander made his independent journey through Siberia. In addition to impressions from the expedition, the young scientist brought the first stuffed animals and birds, which he himself made.

Section 2. Darwin Museum. Creation

With age, Alexander Kots did not lose interest in the animal world. On the contrary, it only strengthened, andwith him, the home collection of stuffed animals and birds also increased. An important role in the life of the young biologist was played by the owner of the best taxidermy company in Moscow, Friedrich Karlovich Lorenz. He encouraged Alexander's desire to learn taxidermy in every possible way and helped to replenish his personal collection.

darwin museum photo
darwin museum photo

To create the Darwin Museum in Moscow, Alexander Fedorovich Kots was prompted by a trip abroad. While attending seminars there, the scientist realized that without vivid illustrations, all lectures seem dull and empty. In order for everyone to be able to study the basics of evolutionary doctrine, Kots decided to create a museum, and to begin with, exhibit his countless collection there. Of course, it was not so easy to carry out the plan. But Kots overcame all difficulties, and this place appeared in Moscow. To date, it has become so large that inquisitive tourists even have to purchase a special brochure called “Map. Darwin Museum. It will be needed by those who want to get acquainted with the maximum number of exhibits and not get lost in the endless halls.

Section 3. Darwin Museum. Keep up with the times

darwin museum
darwin museum

Now in the State Darwin Museum you can see the largest exposition in Europe. It is dedicated to the diversity of life on our planet. By the way, one cannot fail to note the fact that no one knows the exact number of exhibits that can be seen here.

One thing is certain: to see all the plaster statues, stuffed animals and birds, you need to haveplenty of time. But this, of course, is not all that the museum can surprise its guests with. Its employees are proud of the recently introduced interactive booths, which allow everyone to hear the singing of various birds and the voices of animals.

Photo exhibitions are often held here, various events for both young and adult visitors. In addition, the modern Darwin Museum houses 3D cinemas where you can watch films about the animal world.

What do you need to know for those who are going to visit the Darwin Museum? Photo and video filming is allowed here, so guests are happy to leave amazing shots as a keepsake, which later become a valuable addition to the family archive.

Experienced travelers believe that people interested in wildlife should definitely visit this place, because in fact the hours spent here will fly by unnoticed, and the knowledge gained will remain in memory for many years.
