Balaclava - what is it? An amazing place, devoid of monotony and dullness. Having been there, you will get unforgettable impressions for a lifetime. This city is able to conquer even the most sophisticated traveler with its graceful beauty. No stories can convey the true magic of Balaklava. You can feel it while walking along the pier of the bay, seeing off the sunsets on the embankment and returning again and again to the beaches of Balaklava.

A trip to history
Balaklava stretches for 42 kilometers along the western part of the southern Crimean coast. The city is located not far from Sevastopol, on a rare spit, in the Big Bay valley. A special aura reigns there, permeated with mysteries and romanticism. Famous Russian writers and poets rested and worked in Balaklava: Chekhov, Kuprin, Pushkin, Bunin, Tolstoy, Grin and others. As centuries passed, they fell in love with the city more and more, giving it literature and filling it with historical light.
Balaclava - what is it? Legendary city. It was first mentioned in ancient myths when the ship of Odysseus arrived at the shoresTaurida and dropped anchor in its harbor. Since then, stories about the exploits of the Argonauts have been circulating along the rocky coast.
The most romantic region of the Crimean peninsula
The invisible Balaklava border runs between Cape Sarych, Laspi Bay, Cape Aya and Boteleman. Many temples were founded in the Middle Ages. Eastern European temples appeared for the first time in the suburbs. There is evidence that in one of the Balaklava estates, the first Pope Klimen I was martyred. Over the years, Balaklava was called "Little London", "Chembala" and "Yabole".

Many are interested in the question: Balaklava - what is it? The answer is for everyone. For some, this is a storehouse of attractions and natural beauties; someone loves her for her serenity and mystery, and someone writes poetry and prose about her. It seems that time has frozen there for centuries over the majesty of the Genoese fortress. Five hundred years have passed since the construction of Balaklava. Since then, Turkish sultans, Mongol princes and Lord Theodora have sunk into oblivion. And England still mourns the event that took place on October 13, 1854, when the entire British army was killed on the battlefield of Balaklava.
Rest in Balaclava
Balaklava is a contender for the title of the most popular Crimean resort. This place is loved by tourists and yachtsmen due to its wonderful landscapes, clear sea and historical sights. The name of the city is translated as "fish bag", as its life is directly related to fishing.
You should know, going here on vacation,Balaklava (Crimea) is located in one of the calmest bays of the Black Sea. That is why this place was chosen by yachtsmen. The water depth reaches 17 meters. There are practically no storms in Balaklava.
It will also be interesting to know that earlier a submarine base was located under the bay, and now a museum. Due to the abundance of luxury yachts moored along the coast, Balaklava was nicknamed the Crimean Monte Carlo, but so far the resort does not have such a developed infrastructure as in the capital of Monaco.
Main attractions of the city
Holidays in Balaklava should start on pebble beaches. When you get tired of basking in the sun, be sure to visit the main attraction - the ancient fortress of Chembalo, which cannot be ignored. Unfortunately, today only ruins remained from it, which are literally permeated with history. It should be noted right away that getting to Cembalo is not easy. The fortress rises on Mount Kastron. If you want to admire the magnificent scenery, you should conquer it.

What to visit?
A beautiful view opens from the embankment named after Nazukin, where you can often see tourists strolling in the evening. The social life of the whole city is concentrated there. You can visit expensive restaurants, fun bars, a cinema or a yacht club.
It is impossible to remain silent about the famous Balaklava Bay, which is surrounded by grottoes and mountains. It is protected from severe storms due to the winding fairway and mild climate, which is close to the Mediterranean. The duration of the swimming season is five months. Not far from Cape Aya are the "golden" and "silver" beaches. That's what the locals called them. Tourists love Aya, because it is located near the city and is famous for the magical beauty of the majestic mountains and relict pines.
Former submarine base
Opens the Balaklava Submarine Museum for every tourist. This is a unique place that you can talk about endlessly. At the entrance you can see a stunning view of the bay, inside which was once a military submarine base. They represented the power of the Soviet fleet. And now along the embankment you can see luxury yachts lined up in a row. The road to the museum stretches along the metal bridge and goes deep into the cliff. The entrance is unremarkable. Concrete columns with a canopy can be seen from a distance. Against the backdrop of numerous construction sites, it does not stand out.

You have the opportunity to visit the tour, which runs every hour. Its cost is 130 rubles. If you wish, you can explore the entire room yourself. Inside the museum there are stands with descriptions for each model of the submarine. You can also admire the paintings in which Balaklava flaunts. The Submarine Museum starts from the platform located near the bridge. There is a large poster hanging there, which has remained since the days of the Soviet Union. The door is camouflaged with a stretched fabric that creates a masonry effect.
How did the museum come about?
The opening took place in 2003 on the territory of a top-secret baseanti-nuclear facility. It was intended for carrying out dock repair work on submarines of the fleet of the Soviet Union. The construction of the facility was carried out in such a way that the structure could withstand a direct hit of an atomic bomb within a radius of 50 kilometers.
The museum can be divided into two parts, in the middle of which there is a water channel. On the right is a hydraulic structure where you can see mines and torpedoes, and on the left is an arsenal 820.

Where to go to the sea?
Sevastopol (Balaklava) is a beautiful place. Having visited it, you can have a pleasant rest on the beaches, which are located near Cape Fiolent. They are called "Admiral" and "Monastic". You can also soak up the rays of the sun in cozy bays near Cape Aya. The Inzhir tract opens its doors to tourists - a unique place, because there are golden sandy beaches, which is a real treasure for Balaklava.
Recreation and entertainment
At the recreation center "Balaklava" you will find good hotels for an unforgettable vacation. Cozy cafes work in the center, and restaurants open their doors where prices are quite justified. All visitors are offered European cuisine. Guests of the city can visit markets, shops and souvenir shops.
Balaclava - what is it? First of all, this is a resort area and a real paradise for tourists. Quite recently, a diving center was opened there, which is the official representative of X-DIVE (scuba diving club). Subscription includesprivate shore diving tours.

The bay in Balaklava is the best haven for yachts on the Black Sea coast. This is due to natural, geographical and navigational features. The bay is well protected from waves and gusts of wind, not loaded with ships.
Where is the best place to stay in Balaklava?
People go to Crimea not only to lie on the sunny beaches, but also for outdoor activities. It is ideal to come here with your family, because Balaklava opens very unusual hotels. For example, with children it is best to stay in the private sector. At the foot of Mount Kastron there is a cozy wooden house. It is ideal for nature lovers. Equipped with every comfort. It offers an incredible view of the bay and the main attraction of the city - the Genoese fortress. You will see beautiful mountain landscapes and a 100-meter embankment strewn with restaurants, cafes, moored yachts and boats where you can take a water excursion.

If you come to rest in Balaklava with your soulmate, you will not find a better place than the Maria Hotel. It is located right next to the bay. The hotel has comfortable rooms and good service. Fans of the "ancient Balaklava" will love the hotel "Listrigon", decorated in antique style.
Sevastopol (Balaklava) offers wonderful views. Come and enjoy your holiday in this paradise.