Blagoveshchensk is one of the five largest cities in the Far East, which enables entrepreneurs to open entertainment centers and provide a variety of services. Answering the question "Where to go in Blagoveshchensk?" Consideration should be given to the convenience of the location of outlets. But the most important thing is the quality of the services provided and the safety of both children and adults.
Where to go in Blagoveshchensk?

The location of the city directly on the border with the state of China and Heihe urban district favorably affects the development of infrastructure. It is also influenced by the fact that at the moment the city is the center of the Amur Region.
The city has a variety of museums, parks and gardens, monuments, cultural sites, shopping centers open to the public.

Sightseeing on foot or where to go in Blagoveshchensk (Amur Region)
Previously, the city was closed to visitors without a special pass. At the moment, you can see the sights on your own. Sowhere to go for a tourist in Blagoveshchensk?
- Arc de Triomphe. It’s worth starting from the arch towering next to Victory Square. A beautiful building 20 meters high pleases the eye of perfectionists, judging by the reviews, with its proportionality and patterns. This is a photo reconstruction. Earlier on this place, Nicholas II erected an arch, but it was destroyed in the thirties of the last century.
- Monument to the shuttle. The transition of the country from socialism to capitalism brought a huge number of young engineers, scientists, ordinary specialists face to face with the complexities of fate. Something had to be done to survive. So there were those who traveled abroad to bring imported goods for resale in Russia. The work of the shuttle was risky, but financially justified. Shuttle buses were periodically robbed. Also, when selling goods, conflicts with criminal elements could occur. The monument depicts a young man wearing glasses, thus emphasizing the poor intelligentsia of that time.
- "Iron Bull" - the work of sculptor A. Alekyan. Within the framework of contemporary art in the city there is the work of the Armenian sculptor A. Alekyan. His works are in cities such as Brussels, Moscow and, of course, Yerevan. from scrap metal, appeared on the embankment in 2014.
- Embankment of the city. Blagoveshchensk embankment stretches along the river bank, which is an adornment of the city. If you believe the reviews, paving stones laid under your feet, beautiful alleysand an English turf give it a European look. On the embankment there are several bronze monuments, as well as a rotunda with a transparent dome. It is better to come there in the evening, when the lights are on and the city of Heihe is visible in a light haze.
- Fountain. With the onset of twilight in the summer, a show of a symbiosis of light, water and music begins for the townspeople and guests of the city on Lenin Square. The splashes of the fountain are illuminated to the rhythm of melodies composed especially for this occasion.

Cultural component of the city
- G. Novikov-Daursky Museum of Local Lore. The exposition of the museum is located in the mansion of the times of A. S. Pushkin. Here you can learn about the history of the region and the city through unique exhibits, such as fossils, which are about 65 million years old, and samurai armor from the 18th century.
- Museum of Paleontology. The museum itself is quite young in comparison with the exhibits presented here. It was opened in 1997. It is worth visiting for both children and adults. There you can see the remains of dinosaurs, mammoths and skeletons of pangolins.
- Amur Drama Theatre. Founded in 1883, the theater has a 135-year history and currently performs and collects sold-out productions of modern and classic plays.
Spiritual Life
Where to go in Blagoveshchensk for spiritual enrichment?
- The Cathedral of the Annunciation is the main temple of the city, where festive services are held. He is also the guardian of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God of Albazin, acquired in 1667. Internal wallsthe temple is decorated with magnificent painting.
- Temple of the Annunciation of the Gavriilovsky Monastery. The building of the temple until 1932 was used for Mass by Annunciation Catholics. Outwardly, it still corresponds to the Gothic style. After the war, in 1947, the building was transferred to the Orthodox diocese. At the moment the church is Orthodox.
- Church of St. Nicholas. In 2010, the church was rebuilt with donations from the townspeople. The building was completely destroyed by fire in 1980. Now it has been restored and is an exact copy of the St. Nicholas Church, built by personal order of the Governor-General N. N. Muravyov-Amursky in 1859.

Walking with children
Where to go with children in Blagoveshchensk? For this, the city has a sufficient number of shopping centers, children's clubs, as well as cultural and nature places. Here are some of them:
- Lake in Ivanovka. Not far from the city, the inhabitants of the village of Ivanovka created a unique lake to save the rarest lotus Komarov, listed in the Red Book. By itself, the lotus is a plant that is difficult to grow in artificial reservoirs, and it is all the more surprising that enthusiasts from among the locals have created a favorable environment for the preservation of the flower. The plant loves muddy water, but the flower itself is always clean. Lotus blooms from late July to late August - during this period, a reservoir filled with more than 200 flowers looks amazing. Local residents, as well as tourists from neighboring Siberian regions, come to see this incredible spectacle.cities.
- The theater of the actor and puppet "Amurchonok". Local residents, as well as tourists with children, can visit one of the performances of this puppet theater. The history of the theater began in 1964 with the first performance in the building, the facade of which is decorated with sculptures of Pinocchio and Malvina. According to the reviews, the performances are very popular with children, and they are based on popular fairy tales. Parents also love this theater because its actors teach children to be open, fair and not deceive.
- Central city park. This is not the only park in Blagoveshchensk, but children love it. On its territory there are carousels and swings. Older children can shoot at the shooting range, ride the rides or the autodrome. There is also a Ferris wheel with views of the city and its surroundings.
Where to rest?

Where can I go to relax in Blagoveshchensk? The city has a modern cinema, which shows modern films. There is also a network of cafes and restaurants with a variety of cuisines.
Far East
One of the main cities of the Far East is not well known in the central part of the country, it is not so often visited by tourists. But it is primitive in its cultural identity. Here, moderate prices for accommodation and food.
Where you can go in Blagoveshchensk to explore the city, everyone decides for himself - depending on the time of his trip. Whatever the choice, the traveler will discover something new.