Usually, the question of the weather comes up when the whole family is going to have a good rest and make their vacation unforgettable. No one wants this desired holiday to be ruined. Therefore, the issue of choice is approached with all seriousness. If the choice falls on the resorts of Turkey in the first month of summer, it is important to check everything carefully. So, what is the weather like in Turkey in June? Is it worth planning a trip to this resort country this month? Where is the best place to go? A detailed review of forecasts for some resort cities will help to make this important decision. To do this, let's pay attention to several cities in Turkey, which are located on the coast of the Marmara, Aegean and Mediterranean seas, washing this resort country.
Famous Istanbul

Istanbul is perhaps one of the most famous cities in Turkey among tourists. Located in the Bosporus Strait at the junction of two seas, the Black andMarble, this major city attracts visitors with its diversity. If we talk about the climate, then it is quite mild here. Since April comes the long-awaited heat. The temperature rises above 10 degrees Celsius. In May and June, there comes a favorable time for the temperature - it rises to 20 degrees. The average maximum temperature in June in Istanbul is +26. Nights are usually warm. The water warms up to 20 degrees, which allows tourists to relax on the beach. But July-August are hotter. Therefore, tourists often choose the period July-October.
Resort Izmir

Another city popular with tourists is Izmir. It is located in the Gulf of Izmir, on the site where the city of Smyrna was located in ancient times. The Mediterranean climate prevails here. The best time to relax is summer, because during this period there are practically no precipitations, and the air temperature warms up to 25-30 degrees Celsius. In June, the weather in Turkey, namely in this city, is favorable for swimming. The water reaches 20 degrees, the nights are warm here, and the days are sunny and hot. The maximum average temperature in Izmir reaches 30 degrees, and in July-August it rises by 2-3 degrees. Therefore, the location of the city, its historical heritage, and favorable weather for recreation will give its visitors pleasure during the planned vacation.
Beautiful Antalya

Among the famous resorts of the world you can find the name Antalya orAntalya. This resort and port city is very popular among fans of a good rest on the Mediterranean coast. From May to October, clear and dry weather prevails here. If we talk about the weather in Turkey in June, then here, in Antalya, the temperature is favorable this month. For example, the average air temperature is +25. It can freely rise up to 30 degrees. Water is heated in June to +24. However, the hottest months are July and August. Therefore, Antalya in June is a great opportunity to spend an unforgettable vacation by the sea, when the sun is not yet burning with its rays, but at the same time it is already warming after the cold winter months.
Mediterranean cities
On the shores of the Mediterranean Sea are the most famous and popular resorts. In Turkey, the weather and temperatures in June are just right for those who love the heat, but do not want to experience extreme heat. For example, in the small town of Marmaris, located near the Greek island of Rhodes, the temperature in June fluctuates around 30 degrees. This allows tourists to feel comfortable. The water temperature reaches 22 degrees, giving a slightly refreshing effect to those who like to swim in the sea. The summer heat is well tolerated due to the favorable location of the city.
In another town, Fethiye, not far from Marmaris, in June the temperature also reaches 30 degrees, which allows a good rest for those who do not like strong sunny heat. But since July, the temperature here reaches 35 degrees and above. The water temperature in the sea is +23. Due to geographic locationin this town it is warmer than in Marmaris, for example.

Another name deserves the attention of vacationers. This is Alanya. The city is located in the southeast of Antalya at a distance of approximately 135 kilometers. The weather in June in Turkey, in Alanya, makes it possible to have a great time on vacation. Due to its location, this city is named one of the hottest in this country. The average temperature throughout the year is about 20 degrees Celsius. In June it reaches 25-30 degrees during the day and 20-22 degrees at night. Alanya is popular with tourists who love constant warmth.
Ankara - the capital of resort Turkey
The capital city of the country deserves the attention of all who love to travel. Although it does not have access to the sea, it is nevertheless frequently visited. In June in Turkey, the weather is perfect for traveling around the country. In Ankara, during the first summer month, the temperature fluctuates between 20-26 degrees. Sunny warm weather prevails. By this time, precipitation is significantly reduced. Therefore, the city welcomes its visitors in June with favorable weather.

June is a great month for holidays
So, looking at the statistics of weather and temperature in Turkey, we can conclude that June is very good for a holiday as a month in which you can avoid extreme heat, but at the same time feel the summer warmth.
The weather in Turkey at the beginning of June on the coast of the seas stabilizes, and the water warms up tobathing condition. Sea air, low humidity, night freshness - excellent conditions for relaxation. The first half of the month is often considered favorable for parents with children, as the sun does not yet burn the skin. During this period, it is best to visit the resorts of the Mediterranean Sea.
In June in Turkey, the weather at sea becomes acceptable for swimming and sunbathing. When the second half of the month comes, the picture begins to change. The air warms up more strongly, the sand begins to heat up, the nights no longer cool enough. The hottest months are approaching - July and August. Therefore, everyone who decides to enjoy a good rest for himself can freely plan a vacation in June.