City of Nakhodka, Primorsky Krai

City of Nakhodka, Primorsky Krai
City of Nakhodka, Primorsky Krai

Have you ever heard of such an amazing city as Nakhodka? Primorsky Krai, of course, is rich in a variety of interesting places, but many travelers argue that it is in this settlement that everyone, even the most experienced and capricious tourists, should like it.

This article will introduce everyone to the settlement called the city of Nakhodka (Primorsky Territory). Readers will learn more about where this stunning corner of the planet is located, what is so special about it and why everyone should definitely visit it.

Nakhodka, Primorsky Krai: general description

In order to find a point on the map, which, no doubt, will subsequently attract your attention, you need very little: just be attentive or have an excellent knowledge of geography. For all those who doubt themselves, we will try to give a hint. So, look in turn: "Russia" - "Primorsky Territory" - "Nakhodka". It will be simply impossible not to notice her. This territorial unit is part of the district of the same name and is considered the third largest city in Primorye with a population of 156,442 people. (information taken fromas of early 2014).

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find Primorsky Krai

The settlement is located off the coast of the bay with the same name in the Sea of Japan, on the Trudny Peninsula. Such a unique location and incomparable natural conditions make the rest in Nakhodka, Primorsky Krai, truly unforgettable. Purely geographically, it is the southernmost city in eastern Russia, located 171 km southeast of Vladivostok.

The territorial unit was founded in 1864, and originally it was a hydrographic post. The port city of Nakhodka (Primorsky Territory) became in connection with the transfer of the seaport from Vladivostok. These sea gates were opened in 1947, and in 1950 the village received the status of a city.

The village is cut off from the sea by a huge industrial zone. The economy specializes in the port and transport complex. Ship repair, cargo handling, fishing and fish processing are carried out in the Nakhodka seaport. In 2007, it was reoriented to transshipment of coal in an open way, which had a negative impact on the ecology of the city.

Where did the name come from

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g find Primorsky Krai

The name of the city is directly related to the name of the bay of the same name, located nearby. The harbor "Nakhodka" (Primorsky Krai) was discovered in 1859 by Russian sailors. According to legend, the sailor of the corvette "America" exclaimed: "This is a find!" When he saw an unknown bay. In the journal of the navigator of the corvette "America" on July 18, 1859, a corresponding entry was made aboutopening of a bay not previously marked on the map, and giving it the name "Nakhodka harbor".

History of the settlement

Primorsky Krai city Nakhodka
Primorsky Krai city Nakhodka

In general, according to the official version, the history of the city begins in July 1859. Primorsky Krai has been carefully studied by historians for a long time. The city of Nakhodka, as it has been proven, was opened as a bay long before 1859, and the port was founded by the first settlers who went here in search of a better life.

According to the official version, the village in the bay as a hydrographic post appeared in 1864. From 1907 to 1940, the settlement, which is located on the banks of the Kamenka River, was called American (after the name of the corvette). After the revolution, it was increasingly called Nakhodka, but for ideological reasons.

In 1939, a decision was made to move the commercial and fishing ports of Vladivostok to Nakhodka Bay. This was the impetus for a radical change in the history of the village. The settlement began to actively develop, roads were built that connected it with the rest of the world. Foreign ships began to arrive in Nakhodka. One of the first was the Danish ship Greta Mersk in 1947. Construction was also carried out using forced labor. Many "Stalin" buildings in the city were built by Japanese prisoners of war.

Nakhodka (Primorsky Krai can be proud of it) received city status in 1950. The territorial unit was visited by up to 150 thousand tourists and 40 foreign delegations annually. When the borders were opened in 1992, everything changed. Tourists rushed to Vladivostok. City dealers began to make money on used cars that were imported from Japan. The industry has declined.

But the city has not disappeared from the map of Russia. Its further development is already connected with petrochemical production.

Features of the local climate

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find Primorsky Krai recreation center

If any city in Russia is also able to surprise an experienced traveler, it is Nakhodka. Primorsky Krai, whose recreation centers are never deserted, is always glad to see guests. However, tourists should take into account some local features. The fact is that this territory is located in the temperate monsoon climate zone. In winter, cold air masses are carried from the mainland to the sea, resulting in cloudy and frosty weather. The amount of precipitation is low. From the north and northwest winds blow at speeds up to 10 m/s. They contribute to a significant decrease in temperature. In terms of weather severity in winter, Nakhodka is located in the 5th frost resistance zone. The depth of soil freezing according to the standard is 142 cm. The spring is cool, protracted, with a predominance of south and southeast winds. Wind speed up to 7 m/s. The summer monsoon period is from June to August. Until mid-July, air masses move from the Sea of Okhotsk. Cool cloudy weather with fogs sets in. It's raining. From the second half of summer (mid-July) the weather is sunny and warm. Relative humidity in July is over 90%. Tropical typhoons are not uncommon in Augustcyclones, as a result of which the monthly rainfall falls within 1-2 days.

Under the influence of ebbs and flows, river runoff and winds, autonomous water circulation is formed in the bays of Nakhodka. The cold current does not have a significant effect on these water areas. The water temperature in August reaches 24 degrees Celsius. The beach season lasts 2-3 months: from mid-June to early September. Autumn is dry and warm. Clear, sunny weather prevails.

Environmental situation

rest in the discovery of the seaside region
rest in the discovery of the seaside region

Atmospheric air in the city is deteriorating, mainly by car exhaust, emissions from city boilers that are not equipped with a filtration system, and coal dust. In connection with the growth of transshipment of coal in the port, not only the atmosphere of the city, but also the sea area is heavily polluted with coal particles.

Today, the settlement is practically on the verge of an ecological disaster. An unfavorable sanitary situation has also developed in the private sector, where centralized waste disposal is not organized, which led to the formation of spontaneous dumps. A specially designated landfill for household waste has been in operation since 2006.

The difficult ecological situation in Nakhodka Bay. Its waters are polluted by discharges of sewage, oil products, ship effluents. Even before 2006, almost a third of the city's wastewater was discharged untreated into the waters of Nakhodka Bay. Later, this discharge was partially blocked. The riverbed of the Kamenka River was cleaned. The concentration of heavy metals in the waters of Nakhodka Bay is especially high. A crisisin ecological conditions, it has a detrimental effect on marine fauna.

Why is it worth going to Nakhodka?

The resort and beach town of Nakhodka (Primorsky Territory), a photo of which can be found in almost every guidebook in Russia, is considered a vacation spot of local significance.

The main feature of this region are warm beaches and beautiful surrounding landscapes. In the warm months of the year, and this is summer and the beginning of autumn, the water temperature in the sea reaches 25 degrees. You can bask in the sun from mid-June to early October.

Besides spending time on the beaches, you can conquer the most picturesque hills, the Livadia Range, which is famous for the Smolny waterfalls throughout Primorye.

The city itself is special, there is not a single square in it due to the peculiarities of the relief, the houses are located closer to the coast and on the slopes of the hills. The main part of Nakhodka stretches along the coast for 20 km.

Nakhodkinsky Prospekt, 10 km long, in fact, the only street in the city, it connects the northern part of the settlement with the southern quarters. This is the main place of rest and walks for the inhabitants of the city. On the avenue there is a city museum and a park, the main monuments: the Stone of Friendship - a gift from sister city Maizuru, the Victory Memorial, a gift from sister city Tsuguru - a Japanese rock garden, and a monument to the dead sailors "Grieving Mother", past which the river Kamenka, beloved by the townspeople, flows.

Nakhodka differs from other Far Eastern cities with solid Stalinist, not panel houses, clean streets, beautiful and high hills. One of the most beautiful hillA sister who is the symbol of the city.

Pricing policy

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russia primorsky krai find

In the suburbs of Nakhodka there are a large number of recreation centers that are able to satisfy the tastes and needs of vacationers in accordance with their financial capabilities. Prices depend on the season, comfort and services provided. Fans of outdoor activities will find small bases offering accommodation in houses for 2-3 people. The cost of living is up to 2500 rubles per day. Among them: "Sunny Beach", "Anchor", "Geologist", "Antares".

"Green Cape", "Vostok", "Tungus", "Starfish" are bases that provide vacationers with more comfortable living conditions. They offer a separate house or a cozy room in the building. The cost of living is from - 3 to 9 thousand rubles. There are bases focused on family holidays. They have a good entertainment complex, swimming pools, playgrounds. Vacationers with children are waiting for "Lukomorye", "Otrada", "Pearl Coast".

Trip reviews

Impressions of Nakhodka are generally positive, there are few dissatisfied travelers. Here everyone can choose the option of rest that suits him for the price and comfort. By car you can get to any beach. Numerous local attractions and a large number of sea bays with beautiful, diverse landscapes will impress vacationers and satisfy the most refined taste.

What to look out for

The largest port in Primorye is located in Nakhodka. It consists of 108 berths and together withindustrial zones occupies almost the entire Nakhodka coast.

City beach is not very popular. Nakhodka residents sunbathe and swim on the beaches of the city outskirts, in the villages of Livadia and Vrangel. These modest settlements are included in the city, and the distance between them is 40 km. This makes Nakhodka one of the longest cities in Russia.

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find Primorsky Krai photo

Residents of Nakhodka always listen to the weather forecast for the simple reason that the city is located in a tsunami-prone zone, and Pacific typhoons are not uncommon here. Monsoon rains come in August, and the Kamenka River overflows its banks, flooding the streets.

You can bring seafood from Nakhodka, and a painting with urban and suburban landscapes will be a souvenir.

Nakhodka is one of the most expensive cities in the Far East.
