Our compatriots have long fallen in love with this southern country - either because of the somewhat chaotic lifestyle of the Spaniards familiar to Russians, or because of the wonderful climate, or because of the openness and emotionality of the inhabitants. Getting a visa every time is not very convenient, and expensive. Therefore, an excellent solution for those who want to travel to the country often, or who have business or personal relations with it, would be a multi-visa to Spain.

You can get it not only directly at the embassy, but also through intermediaries. This type of permit gives the right to multiple entry and stay in the country for a period of 30 to 90 days, depending on the total duration of the visa. Most often, a multivisa to Spain is issued without problems to those who have real estate or other property in this state (for example, their own enterprise). In this case, the opportunity to stay thereprovided for 180 days during the year (90 days in each half year). And given that apartments and houses in this country are affordable for we althy citizens, this way to obtain a multiple-entry visa is a priority.
For paperwork, you must submit a standard set: insurance, photographs, passport (and old ones, if any), income statement.

If you are traveling with a child or the child is traveling alone - notarized parental permission to travel accompanied by (specify who) or without (option for teenagers going to school or summer camp). If one of the spouses does not have a permanent job, a "sponsorship letter" from someone who will bear the travel expenses is required. As a rule, this is a working spouse. In addition, the application must immediately indicate that you need a multivisa in Spain due to the fact that you are planning to visit the country multiple times. But one questionnaire is not enough. To confirm the existence of property (real estate), you will need a certificate from the Spanish registry, the limitation period of which does not exceed 3 months. If a multivisa to Spain should be issued not to the owner himself, but to his relative, then you will have to provide the relevant documents (an invitation issued by the Spanish Embassy). Be sure to attach a bank statement or confirmation of the purchase of currency at the rate of fifty-seven euros per person per day.

As a rule, obtaining visas to Spain does not takelonger than a week. When processing documents, not only your official income, but also your visa history play an important role. That is why it is necessary to attach old passports, especially if they already had Schengen visas. In principle, it is possible to enter the country with a Schengen multivisa, but proportionality of stay must be observed. That is, you need to stay longer in the country that issued this document. You can find out how much a visa to Spain costs on the embassy website (non-urgent - 35 euros, urgent - 70 euros). But most often it is easier to apply for a multivisa through intermediaries - specialized centers, where they will not only tell you what documents you need to prepare, but can also bring them to the embassy. The cost of obtaining a visa through visa centers is not much higher than self-submission of documents (as a rule, up to three to four thousand rubles, which is about one hundred euros). It is also worth making sure that you have a multi-visa to Spain in order to get the right to move freely within the EU. And over time, such a visa will not only be extended (if the right to property is preserved), but on its basis it will be possible to apply for a residence permit.