In Rostov is one of the mysterious sights of Russia - Lake Nero. It already has more than 500 thousand years, but it is never forgotten by people. Tourists, local fishermen often come there for new adventures and experiences. The area of Lake Nero is 50 square km. It is shallow, muddy, the bottom is covered with algae, and because of this, the water is undrinkable. Despite this, the fish here feel great. There are two islands on it: Lvovsky and Rozhdestvensky, they are also called Lesnoy and Zimny. Nero in translation means "swampy, muddy area".

In Russia, many seek to visit Lake Nero. Rostovites are proud of this enviable place. Fishing is permitted there, and anglers often leave satisfied with their catch. Despite the fact that the water depth does not exceed four meters, the lake is navigable. Recently, people have been sailing on it in boats - this is one of the entertainments of tourists.
Lake Nero belongs to the pre-glacial, it is well preserved and is considered a rare reservoir. On one of the banks there is a monastery of ancient Rostov the Great. Along the rest of the perimeter there are floodplains - a solid reed that creates the illusion of a dry coast. Often inexperienced fishermen,fishing near the floodplains mistakenly believe that they are near the shore. In fact, it can be miles away. It is worth visiting the lake once, and it becomes a favorite pastime. Unfortunately, the number of fish is decreasing more and more every season due to the growing number of anglers. A man who visited Lake Nero is guaranteed fishing. Even a beginner will be pleased with the first catch.

Fishing is popular on the lake in winter. Since the depth is shallow, the water freezes quickly, walking on ice is quite safe. The depth of the lake and its vegetation are almost ideal for good growth and reproduction of fish. People here can catch perch and roach, which, one might say, are the most permanent inhabitants of fresh waters. Lake Nero is rich in fish such as pike, crucian carp, rudd, white bream and white bream. There is a small amount of pike perch and ruff. In winter, of course, fishing generates more interest, and it is more realistic to leave from there with a good catch. In the summer, this is much more difficult to do. As already mentioned, this is due to the growing number of fishermen.
Lake Nero has a second name - Kaovo. There are many settlements on its banks, the largest is the Sarskoye settlement. Previously, there were many sights here, but, unfortunately, now they are almost gone. Tourists are provided with activities such as sailing on private boats and a trip on speedboats. Most importantly, the best aspects of the city and views of nature are best viewed fromwater. From the middle of the lake you can see the Rostov Kremlin, Spaso-Yakovlevsky Dimitriev and Abraham's monasteries. In addition, two sightseeing boats, Rodina and Zarya, sail on the water.

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