What is Japan? It is difficult to find the right words to describe this Asian country, because it is unique and original. The Land of the Rising Sun is the most modern technology and ancient temples, cherry blossoms and the snow-white hat of Fujiyama, incredible art objects and delicious national cuisine. But words alone are not enough to describe the unique flavor of this country. Only a trip to Japan can open the soul of this island nation.

Land of the Rising Sun through the eyes of a tourist
Every schoolchild knows that the state of Japan consists of an archipelago of islands. The largest are:
- Hokkaido.
- Okinawa.
- Kyushu.
- Honshu.
- Shikoku.
Traditionally, the main island of the country is Honshu. The Japanese conditionally divide it into several parts, life in which is significantly differentfrom each other. For foreigners, all Japanese seem to be similar to each other, but in fact this statement is very far from reality. Each island has its own dialect, traditions and cultural monuments. Therefore, a short trip to Japan will not always provide an opportunity to see all the diversity of this country. But even a week-long stay on the territory of the island nation will give you unforgettable impressions and invaluable experience.
Japan as a tourist destination
It is worth noting that Japan has always been one of the exotic tourist destinations that not everyone can decide on. This is influenced by many factors, including the remoteness of the country and the rather high cost of a tourist voucher. Although at the beginning of the twentieth century, the Land of the Rising Sun began to experience a surge of interest in its culture. This was expressed in the opening of a large number of Japanese restaurants around the world, cultural centers and, of course, the influx of tourists. Our compatriots were also not spared by the fashion trend and the Russians began to actively buy tours to Japan.
Trips to the Land of the Rising Sun stopped after the Fukushima accident. It was a sad time for Japan - a large number of people died, radioactive waste contaminated the surrounding areas, the economy began to decline, and tourists began to be very wary of traveling to the Japanese islands.
Over time, the situation has changed, and Putin's trip to Japan in 2016 once again stirred up the interest of Russians in their strategic and economic partner. CostsIt should be noted that our President was very warmly received by the Japanese Prime Minister and several important agreements were signed during the meeting. As a result, a tourist trip to Japan has become a very affordable and attractive way to spend a vacation. Today, many Russians prefer independent travel to the Land of the Rising Sun. Why are they more popular than package tours? We will try to clarify this point.
Tourist package or independent travel: pros and cons
Tourist trip to Japan is of two types:
- independent;
- as part of a group.
Both options have their pros and cons, so we will not advise you anything, but simply list all the nuances of the trip.
If a trip to Japan for you is strict orderliness, the company of compatriots and the absence of any worries, then, of course, choose the purchase of a travel package. Thus, you will deprive yourself of some sense of freedom and excitement, but at the same time you will feel quite calm in such an unusual country as Japan. In addition, the agency will take care of all the documentary issues, and you will only have to pay for the visa and arrive at the airport on time.
Traveling to Japan on your own comes with a number of challenges. But believe that all of them are surmountable. You will need some effort to apply for a visa, plan an itinerary and find cheap flights and hotels. But in the end, you will get just an incredible journey, during which you can explore almost any corner.countries. Each of them has its own unique flavor and is worth spending at least one day there.
If you are attracted to an independent trip to Japan, then our article will be an indispensable source of useful and important information for you. So, we start planning a trip to the Land of the Rising Sun.
Trip planning
What do you need to travel to Japan? In principle, not very much, but the preparation will still require some effort from travelers. Before you start packing your bags, you need to complete the following items on the list:
- choose travel dates;
- create a travel budget;
- issue air tickets;
- book a hotel;
- make a route;
- apply for a visa;
- write a list of attractions.
Doesn't look too hard, does it? Therefore, a trip to Japan on their own is available even to those travelers who have never traveled outside our country without a guide accompanying them.

Japan: the best time to travel
The Land of the Rising Sun has an amazing climate, thanks to which the air temperature very rarely drops to minus levels. And this makes the country accessible for tourism at any time of the year.
Despite this, you should not plan a vacation for the summer months - June and August. Usually in June the mood of tourists is spoiled by frequent rains, and in August the trip will be complicated by high humidity andunbearable heat. This is especially felt in megacities, where the asph alt literally melts from the hot sun. But in shopping centers you will constantly freeze from air conditioners turned on at full capacity.
Many tourists note that a trip to Japan for two can be quite romantic. Therefore, wedding agencies often recommend this country for a honeymoon trip. Usually a trip to Japan is offered for a week, but the newlyweds, returning home, always talk about the fact that this time was not enough for them to enjoy an unusual and unique country. Many come back here repeatedly in other seasons. This factor explains the incredible attraction of the country for romantic couples - every season in Japan has its own color and smell. The seasons here have a distinct characteristic, but each one is amazingly beautiful.
For example, April is cherry blossom season. The whole country is immersed in a pink veil, past which it is simply impossible to pass without stopping. Hard-working Japanese at this time take a few days off and spend them contemplating the incredible beauty.
Japan is very warm in autumn, and the whole country takes on a rich crimson hue. Getting into the autumn rock garden is simply an indescribable pleasure for the soul. It is simply impossible to forget this spectacle.
If you want to plunge into a fairy tale, then a winter trip to Japan is for you. Reviews of tourists about this trip simply abound with enthusiastic epithets. Even though a piercing wind can slightly spoilholiday experience, hot springs and comfortable ski resorts will quickly change things and add positive emotions.

Travel budget
Of course, you can go on vacation alone, but still we are more interested in a trip to Japan for two. You can be guided by its estimated cost when planning a trip alone.
Of course, the most expensive budget item is air travel, although you can also get to Japan by sea. This method is chosen mainly by residents of Vladivostok and nearby cities. And the rest of potential travelers choose the usual movement by plane. Two airlines operate from Moscow and St. Petersburg on this route:
- Japan Airlines;
- Aeroflot.
The cost of the flight is approximately the same, the level of comfort both air carriers provide is quite high. The price of a flight in all seasons is kept at a significant level, so it is better to book flights six months in advance. Then there is an opportunity to save a little. On average, a round-trip ticket from Moscow for two people will cost seventy thousand rubles. Moreover, this amount often fluctuates in both directions.
Be sure to include accommodation, travel around the country and sightseeing in the line of expenses. We will talk about this in more detail in the following subheadings of the article. Meals are the smallest part of the budget, of course, unless you intend to turn your trip into a gastronomic tour of the country. ATIn general, taking into account all the above points, the cost of a weekly trip to Japan will be one hundred and fifty - one hundred and seventy thousand rubles.
Visa processing
This is the most difficult stage of preparation for the trip. Many Russians experience great difficulties with obtaining a visa to the Land of the Rising Sun. What documents are needed to travel to Japan? Unfortunately for inexperienced tourists, this list is quite extensive.
In addition to standard papers, such as a passport, its copies and bank statements, you will need an invitation from the host. And it can only be given by the hotel in which the room is booked, a travel company or Japanese friends. If you do not have either, then you can forget about a visa to Japan.
Usually, Russians prefer to transfer the right to draw up documents for a trip to Japan to a travel company. Of course, you will have to pay about one hundred and fifty dollars. But in this case, you can be sure that in two or three weeks you will have a passport with a coveted visa in your hands. Sometimes travel agents, in addition to money for their services, offer tourists to buy several excursion programs from them. Most often, Russians agree, because all this is in any case easier than filling out documents on their own.
Live in Japan: budget and not-so options
In the Land of the Rising Sun it is difficult to stay for a long time in any one city, because you want to see so many interesting and unusual things. Therefore, be sure that you will spend no more than two nights in the same hotel. Many tourists generally takeone day for each major city in Japan.
When looking at hotels, keep in mind that they all fall into two categories:
- European;
- Japanese.
The latter will suit lovers of national color. Already at the reception you will be asked to take off your shoes and put on a kimono, then you can visit the national bath, fed by thermal water from geysers, and taste delicious sushi that you could not taste in any other country in the world.
European hotels are aimed at numerous tourists and are quite typical. The cost of a double room in a five-star Tokyo hotel is equal to one hundred and seventy dollars. In the morning, helpful staff will definitely offer you breakfast.
If you are not ready to spend such amounts on accommodation, then take a closer look at hotels of a lower class. The advantage of Japan is that even two-star hotels are usually well equipped, sterile and provide a high level of service. The only inconvenience may be the size of the rooms - some of them do not exceed six square meters. Such a pleasure will cost travelers an average of fifty to one hundred dollars per night.
Japanese hostels are also a good option for one night stay. A bed in a room for several people will cost you forty dollars. For this money, you will have a shared shower, free internet and a kettle. You won't find a cheaper option.
Some travelers prefer to rent apartments, but be aware that this is not the most convenient and cheap optionresidence in the country. For a large amount, you can get a small apartment with "cardboard" walls.

Travel routes: traditional and out of the ordinary
The itinerary determines how much you get to know the country and immerse yourself in its culture, so you should take it very seriously. If you're planning a trip to Japan, reviews from travelers who have already been here should be your guide to action for a while.
It is better to start getting to know the country with traditional routes, so leave all the frills for the next trip (and it will definitely happen). For a week it will be quite acceptable to explore Tokyo, Nagoya and Osaka. All of them are located on the island of Honshu. In each of the above cities, you will be interested at any time of the year. In Tokyo, Europeans are surprised by absolutely everything, but in order not to overload yourself with impressions, limit yourself to a few sights:
- visit any local sushi restaurant - we assure you, you will get an incredible delight;
- look around Koke - the castle of the emperor and his family;
- "Disneyland";
- Miraikan Museum is an amazing place where the future is already becoming present.
After bustling Tokyo, Nagoya may seem surprisingly calm to you. There are incredibly many thermal springs here, where you can relax even under the winter snow. Such a vacation causes simply inexpressible impressions that you will definitely want to experience again in the near future.the future. The ski resorts of Nagoya are also good, but if they do not attract you, then visit a small village in the vicinity of the city. Here, the life of the Japanese has been preserved in its original form, as if you went by a time machine two hundred years ago. Even those who have never been interested in Japanese culture will definitely enjoy this incredible spectacle.

Osaka is perfect for walking around. During a relaxing walk, you will surely stumble upon a couple of museums, look into the park and be sure to take the time to visit the aquarium. This city is practically made for independent travelers who are ready to patiently discover it for themselves.
If you are not satisfied with the experience, then deviate from the traditional route and visit Hiroshima and Nagasaki. These cities will change your understanding of the Japanese and the tragedy that happened to them over seventy years ago.
For those who cannot do without a day on the beach, we can advise Okinawa. The Japanese themselves do not like this type of recreation too much, but for foreigners they have built numerous hotels with a high level of service and developed infrastructure.
Advice from an experienced tourist
In order for the results of a trip to Japan not to be deplorable, inexperienced travelers should know about some features of a vacation in the Land of the Rising Sun:
- champing and sipping are welcomed in cafes, this is considered an expression of pleasure from eating food;
- move around the country better with high-speed trains, cheaperbuy a Japan Rail Pass;

- Japan has a lot of free entertainment - morning visits to sumo wrestling training, the observation deck on the building of Tokyo City Hall, national museums and the like;
- from the international airport you can take the metro to anywhere in the country (the station is located on the lower floors of the terminal);
- it is not customary to eat on the go in the country, so there are very few trash bins in cities;
- Japanese yen must be bought at home - there are quite a few exchangers in the Land of the Rising Sun, and ATMs do not always accept European plastic cards;
- taxi in Japan is extremely expensive, and at night the considerable price almost doubles;
- at night time in the cities of the country is quite safe, but still you should not wander around the outskirts alone;
- the most delicious food is sold on the streets and in fast food cafes, such a delicacy costs no more than five dollars.

Of course, Japan is just an incredible country. It captures the mind and penetrates the very heart of the European tourist. It is almost impossible to get enough of it, each new trip opens up other facets of this island state. If we managed to arouse your interest in the Land of the Rising Sun, and you are determined to go here in the near future, then do not forget to write a detailed report on your trip to Japan upon your return. Perhaps for someone it will be veryhelpful.