Even in the harsh climatic corners of the vast Earth, there are amazing natural features. One of such sections of Western Siberia, in particular the Gydan Peninsula, will be discussed in this article.
Before we find out where the Gydansky Peninsula is located, let's take a look at the features of one of the most famous peninsulas of these places - the Yamal Peninsula.

A little about Yamal
The peninsula, located in Western Siberia (in the north), is located on the Kara Sea. Dimensions of Yamal: width - 240 km, length - 700 km, area - 122,000 km².
The landscapes of the island change depending on its latitude. Almost here there is permafrost, the main part of the territory is represented by swamps and lakes. In terms of relief, the surface of the peninsula is a plain, in some places cut by ravines.
The appearance of Yamal was formed over several million years through changes in topography, climatic conditions, soil cover, fauna and flora. In ancient times, the coastline was 300-400 meters lower than the modern ocean level. In those days, Eurasia together with North Americarepresented a single large continent. Heat-loving life forms gradually died out with the cooling of the climate, and more cold-resistant species of flora and fauna formed.
The peculiarity of the relief of the peninsula is that it has a large number of terraces (represents a stepping pattern). This is due to the intermittent lowering of the level of the Arctic Basin.
Gydan Peninsula: photo, brief description
The peninsula, like the Yamal Peninsula, is washed by the waters of the Kara Sea: in the west by the Ob and Taz Bays, in the east by the Yenisei Bay. It extends both in width and in length for about 400 km. Its low steep shores are actively washed by sea waves.
The low-lying and shallow coastline is heavily indented. Nearby are the islands: Sibiryakov, Shokalsky and Oleniy (these are the largest neighbors). The Gydan Peninsula is one of the least explored parts of Russia.
This territory belongs to the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. The relief of the peninsula is mostly elevated (about 200 meters above sea level), forming small peninsulas Yavai and Mammoth protruding above the sea surface. Between them are lowlands, heavily swamped, and in the depths of the land - bays (Gydan Bay and Yuratskaya Bay). River valleys and lake basins stretch in the lowlands.

The Gydan Peninsula has a less developed lake network than Yamal, but here these natural reservoirs are deeper and partly of tectonic origin.
Climatic conditions
Pretty harsh arcticThe climate is of the Gydan Peninsula. The weather here is quite cold. The average January temperature in January is minus 26-30°С, and in July - plus 4-11°С. On average, the amount of precipitation per year reaches up to 300 mm.

Flora and fauna
As in Yamal, the fauna and flora of the Gydan Peninsula is not very diverse. The vegetation here is relatively poor, mainly shrub tundra and moss-lichen prevail, and forest tundra extends in the southern part.
Slightly more freshwater fish than on the Yamal Peninsula (about 25 species), but fewer birds (about 36 species). The specific low and indented northern shores are favorable for the breeding of birds such as comb eiders and black geese. Among the animals there are 5 species that are in the lists of the Red Book: lesser white-fronted goose, red-throated goose, lesser swan, walrus and polar bear.

Gydan Reserve
Gydansky peninsula has placed on its territories a unique nature reserve of the same name. It was formed with the aim of studying and preserving the tundra of Western Siberia, coastal ecological systems of the sea and areas of extensive nesting of shorebirds and other waterfowl.
The entire area of the reserve is 878 thousand hectares. The protected zone is 150 thousand hectares. The Gydan Peninsula has such a wonderful natural landmark with its rather harsh climate conditions.
The reserve is one of the youngest in the Tyumen region (founded in 1996). Locatedit is in the Tazovsky district of the Yamalo-Nenets district on the territory of the Yavai, Mammoth, Gydansky, Oleniy peninsulas.
The frozen layer is 80 cm thick. It was here that the remains of an ancient mammoth were discovered, which are now in the Zoological Institute of St. Petersburg.
The structure of the peninsula
Gydan Peninsula in the north has 2 large bays (Gydan Bay and Yuratskaya), separating the Mammoth Peninsula from Java.
The surface of the territory is composed of loose marine and glacial Quaternary sediments. The Mesozoic sedimentary deposits below them have the richest reserves of oil and natural gas. There are many thermokarst lakes on the peninsula, the largest of which is called Yambuto.

Gydan Bay
The bay (Gydan Bay), which juts deep into the Gydan Peninsula, is located in the south of the Kara Sea. This is a place between the Yenisei Bay and the Gulf of Ob. Its width is 62 kilometers, length is about 200 km. The bay has shallow depths - from 5 to 8 meters. With winds (surging winds), the water level changes by 1-3 m.
Precipitation averages up to 300 mm per year. The Gyda (Nyarmesala) River, originating from Lake Hoseinto, flows into the eastern part of the bay of the Kara Sea. Its course stretches up to 60 kilometers along the tundra of the Gydan Peninsula.
The study of the hydrochemical features of the waters of this bay and the rivers flowing into the bay is practically absent.