The Middle Ural Convent, built in honor of the icon of the Mother of God "The Conqueror of Bread", is relatively young, it is only about twenty years old. The history of this icon is closely connected with Ambrose, the Elder of Optina. The Mother of God is depicted on it sitting in the clouds, below her is a compressed field with grass, flowers and sheaves of wheat. This field was written for the purpose of Elder Ambrose – he wanted to show that the Mother of God is a great helper of people in their labors.

History of Creation
The plot of land on which the Sredneuralsky Convent is currently located used to be called the “German Farm” - during the war, a prisoner of war camp was located on this site. At the beginning of the twenty-first century, the land was transferred to the use of the monastery. It formed its own courtyard, was actively built and developed - living quarters, temples and livestock complexes were erected. The first divine liturgy was performed in a wooden church already in 2002. The very same consecration of the church and convent in a solemn atmospheretook place two years later, on September 17.
By 2011, the Sredneuralsky convent with four temples, a four-story private building, where a school for children and workshops with stone court buildings were located, was already proudly towering on the once deserted territory. A dairy shop, a garden and its own subsidiary farm functioned and grew. By that time, more than three hundred prayer books already lived in the monastery, and the Spirit of God was clearly felt in this glorious place.

Monastery today
The Middle Ural Convent, whose construction time is simply staggering, is a unique example in the entire church history. At the moment, there are two churches in it: one in honor of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God, and the second in honor of the icon of the Conqueror of Bread. There is also a house church "Protection of the Holy Mother of God". The construction of the Church of the Holy Trinity continues. In the future, it will have an underground church in honor of the Royal Martyrs.
Sredneuralsky convent (address - the city of Sredneuralsk, in the Sverdlovsk region, Severny passage, house 15) is located not far from the city of Yekaterinburg, only twenty kilometers along the Nizhny Tagil tract.

Many Orthodox people have heard about the numerous miracles taking place within the walls of this monastery, as well as about the wonderful people living there. Believers sincerely wish to join the unique holy places.
Middle Ural Convent: how to get there
Many churches in the city of Yekaterinburg organize pilgrimage trips to this monastery, you just need to ask about the date and conditions of the trip. For example, the excursion and pilgrimage service of the Nizhny Tagil and Serov dioceses regularly conducts trips to holy places, including the Sredneuralsky female monastery, created in honor of the icon of the Mother of God "The Conqueror of Bread".