The Federative Republic of Brazil is the largest state in South America in terms of area and population. The sights and beaches of this country attract more and more travelers every year. More details about it and will be discussed in this article.
A Brief History
Brazil was discovered in 1500 by a Portuguese expedition led by Pedro Alvares Cabral. Over time, the colonization of the region began, which was directly subordinate to the Portuguese king. In connection with the publication in 1574 of a decree banning the use of local Indians as free labor, a massive importation of African slaves began here. In 1889 the country was proclaimed a republic. At the beginning of the twentieth century, about five million migrants from Japan and Europe moved here.
For a long time the state was dominated by capital of British origin, which in the thirties of the last century was replaced by American investments. Since 1967 the statebecame known as the Federative Republic of Brazil (photos are presented below). Since 1985, the country has embarked on a democratic path of development.

The state is located in the central and eastern part of the South American continent. Its eastern part is washed by the Atlantic Ocean. At the same time, the coastline stretched for 6840 kilometers. The Federative Republic of Brazil has land borders with Colombia, Argentina, Peru, Venezuela, Bolivia, Uruguay, Paraguay, Suriname, Guyana and French Guiana. The total area of the state is about 8.5 million square kilometers. In the local relief, one can distinguish the basin of the largest river on the planet - the Amazon (occupying more than 30% of the country's territory), as well as the Brazilian Plateau, the height of which in different places varies from 300 to 900 meters above sea level.

State system and population
The state system comes from the name - the Federative Republic of Brazil. The country and the government are headed by the President. Parliament consists of two chambers. The status of the state language is Portuguese. In addition, French, Spanish, Italian and German are quite common.
The population, numbering about 190 million people, professes predominantly Catholicism. Protestantism, Judaism, as well as some spiritualistic Africanreligion.
The national currency is real. However, most hotels and shops accept international credit cards. Foreign currency and checks are best exchanged at banks, as the exchange rate is the most favorable here.
The city of Brasilia is the administrative center of such a state as the Federative Republic of Brazil. The capital was built in just three years right in the tropical thickets. The grand opening ceremony took place on April 21, 1960. The city is planned in the form of a kind of aircraft. At the same time, at the design stage, special attention was paid to the appearance of official buildings.

The Federative Republic of Brazil is under the influence of several types of climatic zones simultaneously: equatorial, tropical, subtropical and others. The seasons here are just the opposite of European ones.
Northeast regions are the hottest. The air temperature here often reaches 34 degrees above zero. Most of the precipitation falls in the Amazon region in the form of rain. Some southern regions experience occasional snowfalls and frost when the thermometers are below freezing.

In a country like the Federative Republic of Brazil, attractions are mostly located in large cities. Most of them have museums and many structures.colonial architecture. The most interesting place in the country in this regard and an object of pilgrimage for tourists is the statue of Christ the Savior. It has become a symbol of the entire state and is located at an altitude of 704 meters on the top of the Corcovado hill. The size of the monument itself is 30 meters. In addition to the statue in this city, it is worth visiting the museums of modern art, Indians, modern art, as well as historical and artistic. There is something to see in other cities of the state. The Federative Republic of Brazil is also famous for its world-famous beaches, thanks to which many travelers come here every year.