Beihai Park in Beijing: Description

Beihai Park in Beijing: Description
Beihai Park in Beijing: Description

Beihai Park is a former imperial garden that houses many significant historical sites. It occupies a large area and is one of the largest in China. This place was closed to the public for a long time, and only in 1925 the park became available to the public. Why - we will understand further. We will also find out where the garden is located, how to get there and what you can see.

Where is it

To the northwest of the Forbidden City in Beijing are several lakes: Beihai (North Sea), Zhonghai (Central Sea) and Nanhai (South Sea). The garden of the same name is located in the area of the first of them.


Beihai Park in Beijing: how to get there

Since the former imperial garden is located 150 meters from another equally popular place - Jingshan, tourists often choose the following route: Forbidden City - Jingshan - Beihai. In this case, getting to your destination will be easy. You need to exit Jingshan Park through the western gate and walk 150meters.

Now let's figure out how to get to Beihai Park from the capital of China. It is recommended to use the metro services. You need to get to Beihai Nord Subway Station.

You can also get to the park by bus. Routes No. 1, 2, 5, 101, 103, 109, 124, 202, 211, 685, 814, 846 lead to the Beihai stop. Buses number 13, 42, 107, 111, 118, 204, 612 will also take you to the park, 701, 810, 823. In this case, get off at the Beihai Beimen stop.

Ancient legend

In China, there is an old story that tells of the same three lakes as Beihai, Zhonghai and Nanhai. In the center of the reservoirs there were islands and three mountains, which bore the following names: Penlai, Yunzhou and Fanzan. Here, according to legend, immortals lived.

Miraculous fruits were grown on these mountains, which not only healed from all possible diseases, but could also bring the dead back to life. They were also the source of eternal youth. On the peaks stood palaces built of precious metals and adorned with stones. The plates on the tables were always full of goodies, no matter how much they ate.

Many believed in this legend and tried to find this paradise on earth. Even emperors set out on a journey with this goal more than once. Thanks to such travels, Japan was discovered at one time.

Many emperors have since tried to build a replica of this magical place close to their palace. They dug three lakes and poured islands in their center, building hills on them. Over time, such designs have become attribute of the imperial gardens.

Beihai Park
Beihai Park


Beihai Park is one of the most ancient imperial gardens not only in Beijing, but in all of China. He combined the features of solemnity, splendor and sophistication. The prototype of this garden is the legend of the three magical mountains mentioned above.

Beihai was founded in the tenth century during the reign of Emperor Huitong. Beijing at that time was called Yanjing and served as the second capital of the Khitan state. The Jade Island Palace was built on the territory of Beihai Park, which became the second residence of the emperor.

At the beginning of the twelfth century, the Palace of Great Tranquility was built. At the same time, pavilions appeared here and a lake was dug, the waters of which were replenished from the sources of the Western Mountains.

At the end of the thirteenth century, Beijing acquired the status of the capital of the Yuan Empire, and Beihai Park began to serve as the main residence of the ruler. Jade Island has been renamed Longevity Hill. The lake was named Taiechi. Palaces were built and gardens laid out.

At the beginning of the next century, the residence of the ruler moved to the Forbidden City, and the park became a place for the imperial family to walk and expanded to a size close to modern.

In the seventeenth century, the Dalai Lama contributed to the transformation of the garden. At his request, the White Dagobah was built here in the traditions of the Tibetan style. She has become a symbol of Buddhism and the multinationality of China.

Most of the buildings that have survived to this day were erected in the eighteenth century. It was at this time that the park acquired an appearance close to today.

In 1900, Beihai Park was significantly damaged by the Eight-State Alliance. Since it had the status of an imperial garden and belonged to the Forbidden City, entry for outsiders was strictly prohibited here. It wasn't until 1925 that the garden was opened to the general public.

Tourists in Beihai Park
Tourists in Beihai Park

In 1949, after the formation of the People's Republic of China, large-scale restoration work began in the park. Currently, Beihai is rated AAAA and is the most visited place in the country. It is popular with both locals and foreign tourists.


Beihai Imperial Garden is one of the oldest parks in China. It is located in the central part of Beijing and covers a large area - 68 hectares. Almost half of the park is occupied by a lake. You can enter the garden using one of the five entrances offered.

There is a conditional division of the park into four parts: Jade Island, Round City, East Coast and North Coast. You can go from one area to another using bridges or use the ferry.

In the park you can see a large number of temples, pavilions and squares. Here you can have a good rest and see a lot of interesting things.

What to see

The Beihai Park (China) in the city of Beijing has many attractions that can make a lasting impression on visitors to this historic site. Tourists usually visit firstturn Jade Flower Island, and then continue to explore along the lake counterclockwise. The entire tour will take one and a half to two hours. It is impossible to describe all the attractions of Beihai Park in the article, so let's focus on some of them.

Bai Ta

In translation, this means the White Stupa. It's hard not to notice her. It has impressive dimensions - about forty meters. This attraction is recommended to visit first, as it closes earlier than others.

Tibetan style is noticeable in architecture. This is one of the buildings erected at the request of the Dalai Lama. The year of its origin is 1651. This is the era of the reign of Emperor Shunzhi. Throughout its history, the tower was twice destroyed by earthquakes, and each time it was restored.

The white stupa is located on a hill in the center of Jade Flower Island. From here you have great views. The tower is the best platform in the park for exploring the surroundings.

Bai Ta was intended to store sacred scriptures and relics. Stupas are quite rare in China, buildings of other forms predominate here. This is another reason to visit Beihai Park in Beijing. In the photo below you can clearly see the White Stupa.

white stupa
white stupa

Wall of Nine Dragons and Pavilion of Five Dragons

Imperial power in China has its own symbol. This is a dragon. Only emperors had the right to wear clothes with the image of this mythical animal.

A wall 27 meters long, 6.5 meters high was built in the northwestern part of Beihai Park in the middle of the eighteenth centuryand 1.5 meters thick. The mosaic of 424 tiles depicts nine large dragons and over six hundred small ones. Over time, the picture has not faded at all. The wall looks amazing. It is believed that this place is most in demand among tourists.

Wall of Nine Dragons
Wall of Nine Dragons

The Pavilion of the Five Dragons is a connected pavilion. It is located in such a way that it offers a scenic view of the Jade Island and the lake.

Round City

This is where the tour of the park usually ends. The round city is located in the southern part of the imperial garden. It is an ensemble of several buildings, which is surrounded by a wall that reaches a height of 4.5 meters.

The most valuable of all that is inside is a jade Buddha statue. She was donated by Burma to China. Despite its small size, the statue makes an indelible impression and deserves special attention.

buddha statue
buddha statue

In the Round City you can see an enormous black jade urn. It seems incredible, but the Mongol Khan Kublai used it as a wine glass.

The oldest pine grows here. She has seen a lot during her existence, as she was planted back in the days preceding the Mongol invasions.

Opening hours and cost of the tour

You can visit Beihai Park at any time of the year. Opening hours depend on the season. In summer, the park waits for guests until 22:00, in spring and autumn - until 21:00, and in winter - only until 20:00. Jade Island closes early. After17:00 it is already impossible to get there.

You will have to pay from five to ten yuan to enter the park, depending on the season. For visiting the White Stupa, payment is charged separately. All together will cost about twenty yuan (1 yuan is about 9.5 rubles).

The quietest time to walk in the garden is in the evening. During the day and on weekends there are too many tourists. In the park until six o'clock in the evening boats are rented, where you can retire and ride on the lake.

Beihai Lake
Beihai Lake


Beihai in China is described by tourists as "an oasis of silence in a sea of noise". You can spend time both with excursions and in solitude. This place is both a park, a museum and a sanctuary. According to reviews of Beihai, the garden is quite family-friendly. It has preserved narrow streets that seem to take visitors to ancient China.

There are ducks on the lake that are allowed to be fed. A lot of boats float on the water, which creates a feeling of tightness. A pleasant impression is made by a ferry built in the form of a gazebo.

Ferry to Beihai
Ferry to Beihai

Beautiful lotuses grow on the lake, exuding a delicate aroma. Their leaves above the water reach a height exceeding human height.

In winter you can go ice skating on the lake. In cold weather, vacationers will be warmed by a cup of coffee at Starbucks.

Beihai Park is especially beautiful, according to tourists, in April, when everything around is blooming and fragrant. The weather is already warm and sunny, but not yet hot. Nature is sobeautiful that time seems to freeze and remain in memory forever.

There are enough small shops on the territory to find something to eat. At the top of the hill you can enjoy hot chocolate. For those who want to buy souvenirs, special streets are organized, where a large selection of traditional Chinese gizmos is offered.

There is an opinion that by hanging a photo of the Wall of Nine Dragons near the front door of a dwelling, you can get protection for all its inhabitants. Many tourists take pictures like this.

For a comfortable walk, it is recommended to wear comfortable shoes, as you will have to walk a lot in the park. If visitors feel tired from walking, they can use the services of a rickshaw, which will take the client to any corner of the park.

There are no negative reviews about the rest in Beihai Park. Tourists speak positively about it and recommend visiting this historical place.
