Five years ago, a very unusual museum appeared in Russia, one might even say - exceptional. It shakes the imagination of visitors with its exhibits. This is the scientific and technical museum of the history of the tractor in Cheboksary. At the end of October 2016, he celebrates his small, but still significant historical anniversary for the Republic of Chuvashia and the country as a whole.

City of Cheboksary
The Tractor Museum opened in Cheboksary not by chance. This is not just a city of Chuvashia, which is part of the Volga region, on the geographical map of Russia. It is called the pearl and cultural capital (since 2003) of the Volga region. It is a city with a long history, rich culture and traditions. It is recognized as one of the most comfortable (2001, 2013), clean and green (2006, 2007) subjects of Russia. In addition, the capital of Chuvashia is one of the centers of the domestic tractor industry.

Concern Tractor Plants
Needsay that the tractor industry is an integral part of the Russian engineering industry. The manufactured products are finished tractors, as well as all the necessary spare parts and parts for them.
In our country there is a concern "Tractor plants". This is a machine-building and industrial association of companies since 2006. They include 25 enterprises around the world, among which 10 are from the Chuvash Republic (and 9 are located in Cheboksary):
- JSC Promtractor.
- Promtractor-Promlit LLC.
- JSC Cheboksary Aggregate Plant.
- CJSC Complex Solution.
- CJSC Promtractor-Vagon (in Kanash).
Cheboksary: Tractor Museum
And what about tractor enterprises? Here's the thing: the Tractor Plants concern took a direct part in 2011 in the creation of a republican attraction in the capital of Chuvashia. The president of the concern, Mikhail Bolotin, proposed to open a tractor museum in this city (Cheboksary). The proposal was responded to and supported by: the Union of Mechanical Engineers of Russia, the Russian Culture Foundation and the state corporation Rostekhnologii. This museum in Russia has become exceptional in its kind, there is nothing like it anywhere else: it is both specialized (specialization - tractor building), and educational, and scientific and educational (explains information in an accessible and reliable way and acquaints anyone with history).

Modern museum for visitors
Approximately 1.5 thousand square meters of museums are located on Prospekt Mira, 1. Tourists come here to get to know Cheboksary better, as well as local residents of the republic (some for the first time, and some for the next time). The administration takes a fairly active position in communicating with the audience and offers interesting programs. For example, the “weekend club” offers an active and very entertaining time for both adults and children: listeners can not only learn about the history of the development of mechanical engineering (in the world, Russia) and see with their own eyes different brands of tractors, but also take part personally in … tractor test drive! Both young and old will be happy to test radio-controlled models of tractors, assemble their own Lego-themed equipment, participate in various competitions, watch films, use a sledgehammer to knock out an imprint on a coin depicting the very first tractor in the world (and take it with you as a keepsake).). Here you can get a lot of impressions by riding a local museum attraction. The big advantage is the opportunity to touch and feel the exhibits (for example, it's great to get into the legendary "Belarus" - its name is often confused, apparently because of the consonance with the name of the country, so it is more popularly known as the tractor "Belarus"), sit inside cabins, take photos.

Another undoubted advantage is that this place can hold children's holidays (for example, birthdays). Amazing museum!
Programsmodified and supplemented. Museum employees are guided by visitors who simply cannot get bored within the walls of this institution. If you call and inform about your desire to come on a tour, you will probably be told what exactly will be waiting for you in the program. Or you can just go to the official website and read the latest news, the information is constantly updated there.
Museum models
The Tractor History Museum acquaints visitors with the history of the development of not only domestic, but also foreign tractor construction. You can see the collection of the museum: it contains about 40 different tractors (some are even in working condition), including legendary tractors (for example, the model range of MTZ - the Minsk Tractor Plant). By the way, upon closer examination and close acquaintance with this nearby, pay attention to "Belarus" (you can and should ask the guide why this name is trying to displace another - the "Belarus" tractor).

Among other things, there are about 500 tractor models and over 5,000 historical rarities on display.
More about the exposure
The museum has several zones logically arranged in historical order:
- The first zone justifies the development of agriculture and agriculture of ancient times, the appearance of the first modes of transport - the LEOmobile (in the 15th century) and the wheelchair-scooter (in the 18th century) on three wheels. The inventor of the first means was none other than … Leonardo da Vinci, the second transport was developed by Kulibin IvanPetrovich.
- In the second zone, visitors move further in time. Here the story will be about the first steam engine (France, 18th century), the first such steam tractor (Russia, 19th century), diesel engine (Germany-France, late 19th century), the first ship, locomotive and truck with diesel fuel (Germany-France, early 20th century), a tractor with an internal combustion engine (Russia, 1911).
- In the third zone, they will talk about how the tractor industry developed in our country and abroad. We are talking mainly about enterprises.
- The fourth zone will dilute the informative historicity with its interactivity. Visitors will be dispelled by a smithy of the late 19th and early 20th centuries and a locksmith's workshop from the 1930s. There you can not only look around, but also try on the role of masters. The newlyweds, who ended up in the museum, will be able to forge the horseshoes of their happiness there.
- The next zone tells (and clearly shows) visitors about the development of tractor construction in the world from the 70s of the last century to the present day. They consider the importance of Chuvash enterprises for the republic and the country.
- No less informative and most interesting exposition - "Tractors of the Future". Here are models that have been developed by companies such as BMW, V altra and Mercedes. Separately, it is worth voicing that the creators of transport are looking far ahead: they will touch on the topic of rover tractors and clearly demonstrate their capabilities.
- Separately possibleget acquainted with the real legends of tractor construction! Agricultural machines represent the MTZ model range, tractors SHTZ, LTZ, VTZ, ATZ, KhTZ, station wagons, etc. (in these abbreviations, TZ is a transport plant, and the first letter, as a rule, indicates the name of the city). Among the legendary industrial vehicles are various brands of ChTZ and ChTPZ tractors. The latter, by the way, is the Cheboksary Plant of Industrial Tractors.

The Tractor History Museum is open to the public. The cost of visiting is low. If you decide to come and get acquainted with the history of the transformation of the tractor, look and sit inside the exhibits (without a guide), it will be inexpensive: students - 50, children - 40, adults - 100 rubles. Visiting time is not limited. If you wish, you can book a tour to not only see, but also listen to information, ask questions. The ticket price will be slightly higher. If there are less than 15 people in the group, the price will be 250 rubles. For groups over 15 people - only 25 rubles per visitor. Children of preschool age, museum employees, Heroes of the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation, Participants of the Great Patriotic War and full cavaliers of the Order of Glory will be able to join the history and culture without payment. A separate price list is presented for photo and video shooting, test drives, the use of radio-controlled equipment and the production of coins. Ticket prices and services should be checked in advance on the website or by phone.

How to get there
If you come to Cheboksary, the Tractor Museum will be happy to meetyou: will provide opportunities to explore uncharted areas and cheer you up. It is located at the address: Mira Avenue, 1. You can get to the Aggregatny Zavod stop by city minibuses (No. 42, 45, 48, 51, 52, 54, 63) or trolleybuses (No. 5, 9, 15, 18, 19). It will not be difficult to navigate further: the museum is located on the territory of the plant, and signs will tell you where to go.
Visitors reflect their impressions and emotions from what they saw in the museum in a separate book. Many are amazed by the large-scale collection, which includes real (and even working) various brands of tractors, as well as hundreds of recreated models. Both adults and children start racing on radio-controlled vehicles. What can we say about real test drives on growling tractors?! Emotions run high! This is what grateful visitors note: historical information is closely intertwined with modern life and demands, one logically and vividly flows into another. That is why the Scientific and Technical Museum of the History of the Tractor in Cheboksary (a tourist find and attraction of the Chuvash Republic) remains among the leaders among other similar institutions. Here is a list of significant events in the life of the museum:
- 2012 - recognized as the best object of the tourist show of the Chuvash Republic";
- 2013 - awarded for achievements in the development of domestic tourism;
- 2014 – Awarded for Excellence in Industrial Tourism Development;
- 2015 - once again the development of domestic tourism does not go unnoticed, the award was encouraged formerit;
- 2016 - summed up the results of 2015, as a result, the Tractor History Museum was recognized as a leader in the region's tourism industry in 2015.

Not a single year, as you can see, was not in vain. Employees establish and effectively maintain successful relations with travel agencies of the republic and are ready to consider interesting proposals and initiatives from outside. We wish them fruitful work to continue in the same spirit!