The ancient city of Likhoslavl is located in the Tver region. It was founded in 1624, and today, according to official figures, about 12 thousand people live in it. Despite its small size, you can spend the whole day in the city with interest and get acquainted with the sights of Likhoslavl.

Museum "Marmalade Tale"
Perhaps in Russia you rarely see such a "delicious" attraction as a marmalade museum. Of all the sights of Likhoslavl, this one is perhaps the most popular, because the museum was created on the basis of the production of this delicacy, which was known far beyond the Tver region. Despite the fact that this dessert looks simple, however, it requires a special technology to produce it.

Many people have a question: why is the museum called a "fairy tale", because it could have been a more realistic name? The fact is that all guests, crossing the threshold, find themselves in a real fairy tale story. All sightseeing tourscarried out by the characters of Russian folk tales. Here you can check if you know all the heroes. During the tour, you will be told about the origin of marmalade, about the methods of its preparation, about its popularity in Russia and in the world. And of course, you can personally taste several varieties of the freshest marmalade. And to treat your friends or please your family, there is a shop on the territory of the museum that offers fresh delicacy at producer prices.

Ceramic Museum
Is it necessary to say that Likhoslavl is the center of pottery production. Unique in their design, household items, dishes and toys are admired not only in Russia, but also far beyond its borders. For several years in a row ceramics from Likhoslavl, the museum and craftsmen became honorary laureates of various exhibitions.

From the time of its formation, the production has changed several names and finally, having fallen under the patronage of a local industrial complex, has turned into a unique enterprise "Artistic Crafts". The achievement of local craftsmen was the restoration of the technology of polishing pottery. Now you can buy a variety of red and black polished kitchen utensils and crockery. Pottery production is one of the attractions of Likhoslavl, which you can always delve into on your own and try your hand at production. Special excursions are held with small workshops on making vessels, which you can also decorate yourselfunder the guidance of experienced artists. Such excursions will appeal to both children and adults.
Railway dispensary
One of the most beautiful and at the same time the oldest buildings of Likhoslavl can be called the former dispensary without hesitation. The building was erected at the end of the nineteenth century and served as a hospital at the railway station, which also provided rooms for medical personnel.
The building is beautifully decorated with brown and milky boarding, which in the early nineteenth century was considered a very expensive material. He, like lace, frames the foundation of the building. It is best to come here on an excursion in summer or early autumn, when the unique architecture of the building is framed by dense foliage. Nearby is the Likhoslavl Radiator Plant.

Pervitinsky Museum of Local Lore
Among the sights of Likhoslavl, the Historical and Revolutionary Museum occupies a special place. All exhibits were collected by Ivan Vasilyevich Zorin, historian, teacher and warrior. It was under his leadership that the museum was opened in 1981, which Ivan Vasilyevich himself calls a gallery of faces and biographies. The exposition is dedicated to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, famous people and merchants living on this land. Part of the exposition tells about teachers - graduates of the Tver Teacher's Seminary.
Several stands in the museum are dedicated to the Hero of the Soviet Union, a native of this land, Alexei Sevastyanov, who in 1941 made a ram in the sky over besieged Leningrad. This feat instilled hope in all residents.hungry city, strengthened courage and stamina. In 2015, the museum was reopened after a long overhaul.

Temple of the Icon of the Mother of God "The Sign"
Temples of Likhoslavl occupy a special position throughout the Tver region. The beginning of the Church of the Mother of God was laid back in 1505, and, according to some reports, the monks kept church records, which, unfortunately, were not preserved, burned down in a fire during the Time of Troubles.
The church that we can observe now began to be built in 1823 by the parishioners themselves. It took them about twenty years. In order to beautifully decorate the temple, a brick factory was built nearby, on the banks of the river. In addition to the main hall, the temple has several secondary buildings that store church utensils and house a gatehouse.
The temple is surrounded by a beautiful wrought-iron fence, the inner walls are painted with scenes from the Bible and the faces of saints, among them - Mikhail Tverskoy, Arseniy Tverskoy, Ephraim Novotorzhsky. But the main we alth of the temple is the miraculous icon of the Mother of God "The Sign". There is a beautiful legend that in ancient times, when a pestilence began in the village and people died one after another, one of the priests dreamed of the Mother of God and said that an icon was kept in one of the temples of Veliky Novgorod. She had to be carried to the church on foot. Then the priest went to Novgorod and brought it on his head. Once the icon was installed, the deaths stopped.
Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Unspoken centerLikhoslavl is the temple of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Founded in 1887, it seems to concentrate around itself all the city streets that flock to it. This is a real decoration of the city, the main attraction, which the townspeople are very proud of, because at the beginning of the 19th century it was the city dwellers who built the church exclusively on their own. The temple took forty years to build!
Experienced this unique structure and hard times. In 1937, in troubled times, the rector of the temple was shot by soldiers of the Red Army, the dome was dismantled. Later, the building turned into a city cinema. It was also used as a parachute tower. The temple began to be restored in 1989 according to the preserved old photographs. Then a new rector was appointed, and in 2002, after the consecration, the temple again began to delight people with its full-fledged appearance.

Intercession Church
The church appeared on the land of the Tver region back in 1777 and immediately turned into a unique structure due to the use of national elements of the small Karelian people who lived on this land in its architecture and decoration. It is noteworthy that prayers did not stop there even once for 240 years thanks to the monks and residents serving there, who consider it their duty to support this good cause.