Botanical Garden in Krasnodar: history, description, photos

Botanical Garden in Krasnodar: history, description, photos
Botanical Garden in Krasnodar: history, description, photos

Do you want to see hundreds of different species of plants, admire amazing peacocks, or take beautiful photos among flowers and trees? An excursion to the botanical garden of Krasnodar is what you need! Here you will be met by peacocks and guinea fowls, amazing plants brought here from different parts of the planet. By the way, squirrels often come out to the guests of this place.

Botanical Garden in Krasnodar: photo, history, address

The history of the amazing arboretum began in 1959. Then there was an experimental farm of the Agrarian University, which was founded by Professor Ivan Sergeevich Kosenko. By the way, it was his name that the garden was given on the 100th anniversary of the outstanding scientist.

Botanical Garden. I. S. Kosenko in Krasnodar
Botanical Garden. I. S. Kosenko in Krasnodar

The first plants that appeared in the Botanical Garden of Krasnodar arrived here on exchange from different parts of not only the USSR, but also from all over the world! Then about forty thousand bushes and trees found their place here! The garden was divided intoseveral sectors, representatives of 2-3 families were selected for each. Only ten years later, the fund of this arboretum included more than 70 families, 180 genera, about 800 species and 100 varieties of shrubs and trees. Greenhouses, laboratories, a rose garden, and an iridarium appeared on the territory of the Krasnodar Botanical Garden. Unique herbaceous perennials were planted.


Arboretum today

Today Botanical Garden named after I. S. Kosenko is the largest scientific center located on the territory of the Southern Federal District. Plants from different places undergo acclimatization here: during a walk you can see representatives of Central Asia, Siberia, Europe, Japan, the Caucasus, and China.

Botanical Garden. I. S. Kosenko
Botanical Garden. I. S. Kosenko

The greenhouses of the garden contain about three hundred species of various crops - tropical and subtropical, and the number of trees, shrubs, flowers and herbs exceeds 1200 specimens! By the way, 70 plants are listed in the Red Book of Russia. And the glyptostroboid metasequoia is found not only in this arboretum, but also in the International Red Book. You can call the garden an open-air laboratory, a “living teaching aid”. The size of the territory is amazing - it is about 40 hectares!


In the botanical garden of Krasnodar you can get acquainted not only with representatives of the flora. Various birds and even reptiles live here! In the very center of the arboretum there is a large enclosure where representatives of the avifauna are kept - peacocks, guinea fowls and pheasants.

inhabitantsKrasnodar Botanical Garden
inhabitantsKrasnodar Botanical Garden

The squirrels that live here are tame, they are not afraid of people and gladly accept treats from the hands of garden visitors. It is worth mentioning that owls live in the pines!

KubSU Garden

Don't confuse the Kosenko Garden with another Krasnodar arboretum - the educational botanical garden of the Kuban State University. The latter appeared in the city in the early seventies of the last century on the basis of the former Pedagogical Institute. Its area is much smaller than the botanical garden - only 16 hectares, and the main purpose is to show and study a variety of plants. The pear tree planted here in the 19th century by Michurin's student deserves special attention. This is the oldest tree in the arboretum, which still bears fruit today!

Lotuses in the Botanical Garden of KubSU
Lotuses in the Botanical Garden of KubSU

By the way, in 1988 this botanical garden of Krasnodar was recognized as a natural monument of the Kuban. The most amazing and beautiful corner of the garden is considered to be an artificial lotus pond. Their green leaves and huge pink petals sometimes just spread over the water surface, and sometimes they shoot up. And in the morning, dew drops accumulate in the very center of funnel leaves.
