Reviews about "Doclet" (Vietnam) will be interesting to read without exception to all tourists who travel to this exotic Asian country. This is one of the most famous and attractive places for travelers if you are going to spend your holidays in the Nha Trang area. In this case, you have a chance to relax on the beach, which seems to have descended from the television picture. Before you will be the purest turquoise sea and almost white sand. Beach "Doklet" among the locals is known as "Zoklet". In the article we will tell you about how to get to this amazing place, hotels and recreation features here.
General information

In reviews of "Doclet" in Vietnam, tourists note that this is one of the few beaches in Nha Trang that even sophisticated and experienced travelers are satisfied with.
Most of the other coasts do not suit either a large number of vacationers, or high waves, because of which it is not possible to swim calmly. Therefore, relaxation connoisseurs are well aware of the photo of the beach"Doclet" in Vietnam. This is a truly heavenly place, located north of Nha Trang. This coast is considered one of the best in the area.
Tourists will meet white sand, low waves and a gentle entrance to the sea. Due to these factors, the water is much warmer than in other places nearby, so this is an ideal place to come for a week even with small children.
Description of the beach

When you see "Doclet" in Vietnam in the photo, you will definitely want to be in this place to experience the light sea breeze and swim in the clearest sea.
The length of the beach itself is about 10 kilometers, so there is never a rush here. There is enough space for everyone, even despite the fact that the width of the coastal strip where tourists can settle down to rest is quite small, about 10 meters.
There are several hotels and fishing villages of local residents in the immediate vicinity. So on vacation on the "Doclet" in Vietnam, you will not be cut off from civilization. In addition, directly on the beach there are cafes with very decent cuisine, as well as a market with local fruits and other delicacies at affordable prices.
Recreation for locals and tourists

The beach is divided into two parts. Locals rest on one, and visitors on the second. Organized groups of travelers are regularly brought to the coast for tourists.
It is noteworthy that the beach is separated from the rest of the land by high dunes,where pine trees grow. In general, the infrastructure located in the immediate vicinity cannot be called developed, but for a democratic beach holiday it will do. There is everything you need.
In most cases, tourists come here from Nha Trang. This is the best place in the area to swim and walk in the picturesque surroundings.
This beach is compared even with world-famous resorts. For example, with the Maldives and Bora Bora. But he has one undeniable advantage over them. These are prices that are much lower in Vietnam.
Everyone who comes to rest in Nha Trang or its environs will have to find out where "Doclet" is located in Vietnam. Nha Trang itself is the largest city in Khanh Hoa province, located in the center of the country on the coast of the South China Sea. Among foreign tourists, this resort is considered one of the most popular.

It began to develop during the time of the emperors. The French liked to visit here when Vietnam was considered their colony as part of Indochina. Since 2013, the resort has been intensively developing. It is massively built apartment buildings and hotels.
How to get there?
There are several ways to come to the beach from Nha Trang. This is a sea boat, a taxi, a bus or a car you rented. As a last resort, you can also rent a bike in this Asian country.
If you are going to get by sea by boat or taxi, then be prepared for the fact that there are no fixed prices, the price is exclusivelynegotiable. So you will reach the amount that you initially agreed on.
The situation is different in public transport. Bus number 3 runs from Nha Trang to the beach. The fare in it will be about 25 thousand dong (about 70 Russian rubles). The road will take about an hour of your time one way.
Tourists who regularly use this mode of transport are advised to find stop 6 Tran Phu in Nha Trang itself. Buses depart from here during the day at intervals of one to an hour and a half. They start walking around 6 am. The traffic stops around 18.00. Please note that it is better to leave the beach in advance so as not to risk it. If you miss the last bus, you run the risk of staying in the Doclet all night.
If you rent a bike, then experienced travelers advise going to the beach along the QL1 highway, heading towards Hanoi. Note that you will pass the Po Nagar towers along the way, this is a good landmark. Once at the crossroads at the large gas station, turn onto the DT652B highway. After that, move past the s alt fields until you reach the beach. In the same way, this place can be reached by rented car.
Outlandish nature

Despite the fact that this is one of the most picturesque places in the area, there is simply nothing else remarkable here. The only thing left to enjoy is the beach itself, the sea and the outlandish nature.
If there is a desire, then without difficulty it will be possible to find a secluded place where almostthere will be no people. The beach is very long, so there are plenty of secluded areas.
Here under your feet will be the purest white sand and almost completely transparent water. There is often quite a strong wind, but the sea is almost always calm, the waves are very small.
Tourists with children like to come here en masse, as the entrance to the water is gentle and very long. This contributes to the fact that the water warms up very well. As a result, many even believe that the beach is more suitable for children than for adults.
Cost of vacation

In the reviews of tourists about "Doklet" (Vietnam), travelers always emphasize that part of the beach is paid. It is on it that foreigners rest. On the free part you will meet only locals. They come here en masse from Hanoi.
You have to give money for well-maintained sections of the beach, which belong to one or another coastal hotel. Organized groups of tourists are brought here, who are delivered directly to the paid entrance to the beach.
True, if you still dream of the exotic, and you got to the beach on your own, you can turn to a section of the coast intended for locals. No one will be against it, only if you arrived on a bike, you will need to pay 5,000 dong for parking (this is about 15 Russian rubles).
It is noteworthy that a paid beach from a free one is practically no different from a free one. Everywhere clean and tidy.
If necessary, you can have lunch in one of the cafes located on the coast"Doklet" (Vietnam). In the reviews, travelers note that if they wish, they can save money here. Instead of paying for service, you can go to the market. Here, for very little money, you will find a huge assortment of seafood, fruits and much more to make your lunch nutritious and tasty. For example, you can arrange a real feast on the beach by buying fruits, watermelons, shells, crabs. In the same market you will find a variety of souvenirs.

If you liked it here so much that you are ready to devote more than one day to relaxing on this beach, you can stay at a coastal hotel. Fortunately, there are plenty of them here.
In reviews of "Doclet" (Vietnam), tourists note that mainly in this place are mini-hotels, cozy and small. For example, Hoang Khang Hotel, which has three stars. The rooms are equipped with wireless internet and air conditioning.
Cable TV and a mini-bar are provided to the guests without fail. The bathroom has a shower, slippers and a branded bathrobe. The rooms are quite spacious, they even have a seating area. There shouldn't be any problems with communication, as the employees speak English well. You can rent a bike to explore the area, and there is a direct shuttle to the airport.
The restaurant serves buffet meals. The menu features local dishes and European cuisine. Organized food delivery to the room and ordering lunches atneed. The hotel is brand new, only opened in 2014.
Some Days Of Silence Resort and Spa

A more presentable option is Some Days Of Silence Resort and Spa. This is a 4 star hotel.
Travelers in the reviews of Vietnam's Doc Let Beach assure that this is one of the best places to spend a full vacation here.
This hotel is one of the best on the coast. Its name can be translated literally as "a few weeks of silence." These are not just beautiful words, but completely true.
Here you will be accommodated in a bungalow. These are small one-story houses, each of which is equipped with its own terrace. It offers scenic views of the sea, garden or pool. Hammocks are always installed on the terraces to make your stay as comfortable as possible.
It is convenient that the hotel is located within walking distance not only from the beach, but also from the market and the village (no more than a quarter of an hour on foot). Reviews and photos of "Doclet" (Vietnam) are able to impress anyone with their beauty. If you want to stay here, then this is one of the most presentable options.
GM Doc Let Beach Resort & Spa
This is another 4-star hotel with its own spa. True, most travelers do not recommend staying here, as the service leaves much to be desired. But the prices are as low as possible.
The hotel is popular with locals who often rent rooms here to spend weekends with the whole family or in companyfriends. Many travelers from Europe are put off by this.
These are just a few of the locations. There is never a shortage of places in hotels on the Doklet beach.