Spain. Zaragoza - an amazing and bewitching corner of the country

Spain. Zaragoza - an amazing and bewitching corner of the country
Spain. Zaragoza - an amazing and bewitching corner of the country

Spain is beautiful for its natural landscapes and breathtaking sights. Zaragoza is the capital of Aragon and one of the largest cities in the country. The history of past centuries and the modern world are closely intertwined here, the architecture of Zaragoza surprises with its bizarre and unusual forms, and this is not a secret, because here is the birthplace of the great Goya.

Location and history of the city

Spain has many beautiful cities, Zaragoza is one of them. It is located in the very center of the autonomous region - Aragon. Zaragoza nestles comfortably on the banks of the Ebro River and its tributaries, surrounded by picturesque natural landscapes. The distance to the nearest airport is only ten kilometers, it is connected by air routes with many European countries. For traveling by car around the city of Zaragoza (Spain), the map will be the first assistant. The history of this region dates back many centuries, it is believed that the city was founded by the Romans BC.

Spain Zaragoza
Spain Zaragoza

Climatic conditions

The city has a mild Mediterranean climate, with only sunny days throughout the year. ATthe summer period is very hot and dry, there is little precipitation at this time. Winters are not cold, with positive temperatures, but frequent fogs.

All about sights

Zaragoza is rich in exotic natural landscapes, beautiful waterfalls and amazing tropical vegetation.

Zaragoza Spain photo
Zaragoza Spain photo

In the very center of the city there is a large Plaza del Pilar, where the oldest cathedral, an amazing basilica and many different museums are located. Not far from the square is the building of the Stock Exchange, made in the Renaissance style, as well as a huge fountain called Fuente de la Hispanidad. All of Spain is filled with various architectural structures of the Middle Ages. Zaragoza includes many amazing buildings and museums in its sights. So, the Church of Santa Maria Magdalena strikes with the unsurpassed beauty of the bell tower, and the Zaragoza Museum contains the largest number of works by the famous Goya. The Moorish castle of Aljaferia is the most beautiful complex in all of Aragon. At the entrance to the city, the ancient gates of Puerta del Carmen rise. The real open-air museum is the country of Spain. Zaragoza is an amazing world of architectural art, many of its buildings are included in the World Heritage List.

Zaragoza spain map
Zaragoza spain map

Food and entertainment features

The whole region of Aragon, including Zaragoza, is famous for its unsurpassed lamb preparation. Local restaurants offer the opportunity to taste delicious local dishes. barsZaragoza are famous for their amazing Spanish tapas. This city has various attractions, well-developed infrastructure and many entertainments, which attracts a huge number of tourists to relax on the banks of the Ebro River. In addition to historical buildings, the city is rich in modern hotels and hotel complexes. A walk through the city of Zaragoza (Spain) will be remembered as wonderful impressions, photos taken among its unique architectural structures will forever leave a memory of this amazing place.
