The coast of the Sea of Azov in Crimea is visited by much fewer tourists than the Black Sea. One of the possible reasons for this behavior of holidaymakers is a misconception about this unique place.

Azov Coast in the Krasnodar Territory
Perhaps people have heard about the rest in September on the Sea of Azov, located in the Krasnodar Territory. Some were here and were not satisfied. In these places, there are a lot of algae in the water, which are nailed to the shore by the current. Looking at such a picture, people conclude that the water is muddy and full of dirt.
There are so many tourists on the beach that finding a free place is simply unrealistic. A large congestion of vacationers makes it difficult to fully enjoy the sun and the sea. However, the situation is completely different on the Azov coast of Crimea.

Azov Coast in Crimea
There are many resort villages on the coastline along the Sea of Azov. This is a whole strip that starts from Kerch and ends at the Arab Arrow.
There are so few vacationers in these places that even in the high season it is not a problem to get a good job. The greatest demand on the Sea of Azov inSeptember is used only by some of the villages: Kerch, Mysovoye and Shchelkino.
The beaches stretch along the coast so much that everyone can find a place near the water. It is amazing and their width, which reaches tens of meters. On the shore there is no feeling of excessive congestion of vacationers and tightness.
You get so used to the resulting space that over time even those who are located ten meters from you begin to get nervous. Although on some Black Sea beaches people lie almost close to the sand.
Rest on the Sea of Azov in September in the Crimea is much more pleasant, because there is much less algae. They exist, but are only found in certain areas. Enjoying the sea and the sun, tourists simply do not focus on them. It is impossible to deny the fact that after the storm along the coast there are a lot of algae brought from the depths. Quite a different situation in Yurkino. The wide beach is hidden from sea waves in the bay. Despite this, the water is almost always full of algae and other debris from the sea. Only in complete calm, vacationers can enjoy the sea surface.

Pros of a holiday on the Sea of Azov
The Sea of Azov, compared to the Black Sea, is less s alty and cleaner. Due to its shallower depth, it is warmer and more comfortable for the whole family to relax. The depth increases very slowly, which allows you to swim quite far. Many shallows where you can relax away from the coast.
Water warming up to the optimum temperature occurs several weeks earlier than in Chernoysea. If the weather corresponds to the climatic norm, then by May it is already possible to swim in it.
Less salinity has another benefit. Having gone to the beach, the vacationer does not feel like immediately taking a shower and washing off the s alt from the skin. The feeling is like swimming in fresh water. It is also convenient for those tourists who like to swim along the road and drive further along the coast of the Sea of Azov.
The Crimean coast is rich in beautiful rocks, grottoes and bays. This makes it possible not only to enjoy a beach holiday, but also to admire the picturesque landscapes of these places.
Fishing in the Azov is a separate issue. Those who like to sit with a fishing rod take their tackle with them on vacation and enjoy a good catch.

Cons of rest on the Sea of Azov
The Sea of Azov in September and other months is not without flaws. Its beaches are mainly composed of sand and shells. There are practically no rocky places and reefs. This means that divers will not find anything interesting here.
One more point - infrastructure. Settlements located along the coast are practically devoid of it. To avoid disappointment, you should prepare yourself in advance for the fact that here you will find only recreation areas, a room for housing, a market, a cafe and a couple of shops. Fans of night discos, clubs, attractions and other pleasures of the southern holiday will not find their usual entertainment here.
Weather on the Sea of Azov in September
At this time of the year, the water has not yet cooled down, but the temperature is already dropping. Will delight vacationers andreduced prices for apartments. In the velvet season, you can have a good time here.
Reviews about the Sea of Azov in September are mostly positive, which indicates good weather at this time. The water temperature is about 18-19 degrees, and the air temperature is about 23.
In October it will become cold on the coast, and you won’t want to go into the water. Therefore, one should not hope that until the last days of September, holidays on the Sea of Azov in Crimea will be pleasant in summer.
During this period, winds begin to rage, which can spoil the rest of tourists:
- swimming in windy weather is unpleasant in itself;
- sand in the air;
- high cloud cover, chance of rain.
Due to the lack of summer heat on the beach, people who do not tolerate high temperatures can relax in peace. There are few tourists on the beach, so they do not interfere with each other sunbathing, swimming and playing with children.