If a tourist wants to enjoy untouched landscapes and clear, purest sea water, then he should visit one of the islands of the Philippine archipelago - Palawan. What is this magical place and how to get there?

Geographic location
To enjoy the beauties of Palawan, you need to know in which part of the world it is located. It is necessary to look for this wonderful island on geographical maps on the border of the South China Sea and the Sulu Sea. It belongs to the western part of the Philippine archipelago and is the third largest.
The island is stretched for 425 km, but its width is rather insignificant. The narrowest point of Palawan Island is about 8.5 km. The widest is almost 40 km. The island area exceeds 14 thousand km².
The administrative center of Palawan is Puerto Princesa. The same city is the only urbanized settlement. The city got its name in honor of the Spanish Infanta Eulalia.

In fact, Palawan is a mini-archipelago within the Philippine archipelago. It consists of little-studied and little-developedislands. And many corners of it have not been explored at all.
History and name
Historical facts, who gave the name to this piece of land in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, have not been preserved. But, since Chinese traders have been visiting the island since ancient times, there is an assumption that the roots of the name are based in Chinese. Presumably the name is consonant with the expression “pao-lao-yu”, a rough translation is “land with convenient harbors.”
Climatic conditions
The island of Palawan, whose photo strikes the imagination with its purity and virginity, has a wonderful climate. Rainy weather is observed here from the end of May to December, but these are not tropical showers. The island falls into the zone of the Southwest monsoon, and the precipitation here is short and light. The average daily temperature is optimal for relaxation and is approximately 27-29°C. The climate of Palawan Island is characterized by the fact that there are no strong seasonal temperature fluctuations.

Through Palawan lies the Central mountain range, which divides the island into two climatic zones. There are no active volcanoes on the island, which means that there are no strong earthquakes. Although the area is generally seismic, earthquakes are extremely rare.
A big plus for Palawan's climate is that there are no typhoons here. Although the Philippines often suffer from these natural phenomena, typhoons often bypass Palawan.
Why you should go to Palawan
The beauty of Palawan is virtually untouched. She didn't have timeruin the tourism business. There are no fashionable resorts and large cities. Nature is brighter and more beautiful than any advertising picture, and the sea is clean and warm.

Rest on the island of Palawan is suitable for those who want peace and quiet. There are no noisy animators here, and the beaches are quiet and deserted. The eyes enjoy the seascapes, and the soul communicates directly with nature. Here you do not have to look for a free sun lounger or rush to the start of the buffet. The vacationer will simply be on the island himself, where time has stopped, and the benefits of civilization are absolutely secondary.
If a person appreciates serenity and solitude, then he should visit Palawan.
The natural wonder of El Nido
First of all, on the island of Palawan, tourists are offered to visit the El Nido nature reserve. It consists of 39 natural and pristine islets. It is home to unique exotic species of animals and plants that cannot be found anywhere else. Small comfortable bays, untouched lagoons, limestone cliffs that protect from prying eyes. And around more than a hundred varieties of birds, turtles and unique underwater fauna.
El Nido is teeming with coral reefs that you can watch from your small bungalow. Hotels and cottages in the inhabited part of the island are located mainly on stilts. And the chalets on the hilly slopes are full of flowers.

Underground river
Palawan Island boasts a unique miracle - the world's longest underground river. Its length is more than 8km. The river is under the protection of UNESCO, and is part of the list of world heritage sites.
Boat excursions are carried out along the underground river, during which you can admire stalactites and stalagmites. The channel is replete with beautiful underground grottoes and goes to the ocean. Most of the grottoes have not yet been explored.
Diving & Snorkeling
Clear water, abundance of coral reefs and a large number of shipwrecks make diving near Palawan unique and unforgettable. When diving, you can observe a large number of colorful tropical fish and other marine life.

Snorkeling is another entertainment that Palawan Island offers tourists. Diving without breathing apparatus, simply armed with a mask, snorkel and fins, you can get to know the beauties of the coral reefs of this place as closely as possible.
How to find yourself in Palawan paradise
If you imagine how beautiful the island of Palawan is, how to get here will be easy to find out. The tourist needs to develop the most convenient route to the capital of the Philippines, Manila. From here there are daily flights of local airlines to Puerto Princesa. The domestic flight takes about an hour. Another domestic route can be made through the island of Cebu.
What tourists say
For people who do not like noisy and fussy hotels, nature has created the island of Palawan. Reviews about the rest in this place are filled with words of delight and admiration. Here you can feel all the greatness of nature and understand that there is nothing in the worldsuperfluous. Each bug, bird, fish and bush is part of a huge majestic plan called planet Earth.