Frequent question from tourists: "Mariupol - where is this?"
The city of regional subordination is located in the Donetsk region in the southeastern part of Ukraine, at the confluence of the Kalmius River into the Sea of Azov. Mariupol is a strategically important large seaport. The city is a center of metallurgy, mechanical engineering and chemical industry. The place where Mariupol is located has become successful for the intensive development of food and light industries. The population of the city as of May 2013, taking into account the inhabitants of its constituent villages, exceeds 482 thousand people. The natural area where the city of Mariupol is located is actively used for he alth improvement, acting as a climatic and mud resort. This is the most important industrial and economic center of Ukraine, one of the ten largest cities in the state. The area where the city of Mariupol is located has become the largest area of residence of the Greeks of the Azov region in the country.

Geographical coordinates of the city: latitude: 47°05’03 N, longitude: 37°33’12 E To determine where Mariupol is located on the map, one should single out the Donetsk region on the territory of Ukraine, where this large industrial center is located on the northern coast of Azov. Mariupol Square -166.0 km², with a suburban area - 244.0 km². Under construction is 106.0 km², green areas occupy more than 80 km². In the area, the predominant type of soil is solonetsous chernozems. A significant amount of underground groundwater causes frequent landslides.
What is the climate of the area where Mariupol is located?
Proximity to the sea determined the weather conditions corresponding to the temperate continental zone. The summer period is long and hot with frequent droughts and dry winds. The winter season is rather short and mild with thaws and regular fogs. The average rainfall per year is 420mm.
Agro-climatic conditions in the area are favorable for farmers who grow heat-loving agricultural plants with a long vegetative period. The predominant crops are sunflower and gourds. In recent years, viticulture has been a promising and rapidly developing area for farmers. However, the scarcity of water resources in the area has given impetus to the use of freshwater ponds and reservoirs for the needs of urban and suburban residents and the needs of the industrial sector.
The area where the city of Mariupol is located belongs to the Azov recreational zone of the Donetsk region. Frequent breeze phenomena on the Azov coast made this area attractive for tourists and those wishing to improve their he alth. The abundance of sunny days, clean sea air, saturated with ozone, sodium chloride, iodine and bromine, served as factors for the construction and development of the infrastructure of numerous sanatoriums, dispensaries and basesrecreation. The heat on the coast is easily tolerated thanks to natural ventilation with refreshing breezes.
The advantage of this area is a long period for quality rest: from mid-May to early October. During this period, the average daily air temperature is 15 °C. Swimming in the sea is possible from June to September, when coastal waters warm up to an average of 25 °C.
History and present
The city has been counting its years since 1778, when the district settlement of Pavlovsk was founded in this area, renamed Mariupol in 1779.

Many historians and local historians provide evidence of earlier human use of these lands. In the area where Mariupol is located, archaeologists have discovered sites of ancient people whose age is at least 10 thousand years. In 1930, the Mariupol burial ground was excavated, dating from the Late Neolithic. On the territory of the modern city, burial mounds were found, built by tribes in the era of copper-bronze, whose age is approximately 5 thousand years. There are traces of the stay of the Scythian-Sarmatian tribes. A settlement of farmers existed here about 1 thousand years ago.
XVI c. was marked by the appearance on the northern coast of the Sea of Azov, where Mariupol is located, wintering quarters of the glorious Zaporizhzhya Cossacks. Their main occupations were fishing and hunting. In the 18th century, Zaporizhzhya Cossacks erected a guard post at the mouth of the Kalmius River, which served to protect against raids by the Crimean Tatars.
1780 - the year known for the migration to the territory,where is Mariupol, Orthodox Greeks from the Crimean Khanate.
The main occupations of the city's residents were leather dressing, candle making, lard rendering, brick, tile and lime production. The population used windmills and watermills. Crafts were developed here, blacksmithing and cooperage reached their peak. Trade was the dominant activity.
The Crimean War caused significant damage to Mariupol: the enemy destroyed port facilities and part of residential areas, it became impossible to deliver goods to neighboring countries and cities of the Azov coast.
The stimulus for the revival of the city, its industrial and cultural growth, was the construction in 1882 of the railway, which connected it with the Donbass and with the whole country.

By the end of the 19th century, metallurgical plants operated here, the production of steel sheets, oil pipes, railway rails and other products was launched. There is an agricultural engineering plant, an iron foundry, leather and brick and tile enterprises, and a pasta factory.
The old part of the city is built up with low-rise buildings and has retained its pre-revolutionary architecture. Buildings of the so-called Stalinist architecture are rare. The center of Mariupol is dominated by administrative and commercial buildings interspersed with residential buildings. The architecture of the sleeping areas is not distinguished by originality and is represented by typical houses.
Sights of Mariupol

The stone pedestal appeared in the center of Mariupol in 2003. Although the first monument to Vysotsky was erected here in 1998, the opening of the new monument was a significant event in the cultural life of the city. Mariupol sculptors presented the actor in the image of his famous character - the investigator Gleb Zheglov from the favorite film of the Soviet era "The meeting place cannot be changed".
Observation deck
From this place the panorama of industrial Mariupol opens. The largest enterprise of the city, Azovstal, and the sea trade port appear before the eyes of visitors.
Gamper's Manor
This building in Mariupol has become one of the most interesting and original architectural structures of the city. The building is small in size, made in the Neo-Gothic style, of red brick. The original architectural elements, the use of lancet windows, brick patterns and the presence of an extension in the form of a tower of a medieval castle distinguishes the estate from other buildings.
Where to stay in the city?

Mariupol hotels will offer visitors a quality European service. The city has many modern hotels with a developed infrastructure, including:
- "Friendship";
- "Priazovye";
- "European";
- "Reikartz Mariupol";
- "Meridian";
- "Marine";
- "Sailor".
Where to relax inMariupol?
The city is famous for the healing properties of the mud of the Sea of Azov. Rest here is ideal for children, because Azov is the shallowest sea in the world, its depth does not exceed 13.5 meters. Climatic factors outweigh the disadvantages that the city's industrial sector creates.
Despite the fact that the territory of the sandy beach is rapidly shrinking, areas are allocated for the expansion of port facilities, the number of tourists is not decreasing. Amazing natural beauty and modern living conditions in resort villages and recreation centers attract residents of Ukraine and neighboring countries.
Boarding houses of the city began to be built in 1928. Modern medical complexes are equipped with the best medical equipment, both traditional methods and modern he alth programs are used here.
Manors and villas are located for tens of kilometers along the entire coastal strip of the Sea of Azov.

Among the most popular among tourists are boarding houses "Moonlight", "Troyanda". Excellent conditions for recreation are offered by Forest Park. Staying in this area is a great chance to find yourself in a healing zone, where the air is saturated with the aroma of medicinal herbs and saturated with the life-giving power of the forest. Mariupol boarding houses provide an opportunity to change the high-speed rhythm of the urban jungle for a measured course of comfortable leisure. The city's sanatoriums are a world of he alth, comfort and beauty, full of vitality and peace. A special atmosphere of cordiality, hospitality and safety reigns here.