The Tashkent metro is a high-speed underground transport system serving residents and guests of the capital of Uzbekistan. The construction of the metro in Tashkent began in 1968-1972, and the first line was commissioned in 1977. Its stations are among the most ornate in the world. Unlike most of the former Soviet republics, the system of occurrence is shallow, similar to Minsk.
Tashkent Metro is under the control of the Tashkent Association of Road Transport Enterprises. The total length of the lines is 38.25 km, the number of stops is 29. New branches are being built and existing ones are being extended. The commissioning of 8 more landing points and an electric depot is planned for 2019.
The depth of underground tunnels varies from 8 to 25 meters, the average length of the stage is 1.4 km. The design uses strength elements to withstand an earthquake of up to 9 points on the Richter scale.
Averagethe speed of trains is 39 km/h, the maximum speed reaches 65 km/h. About 200-300 thousand passengers use the services of the Tashkent metro every day (depending on the day of the week). The average annual passenger traffic is estimated at 60-70 million
The basis of the rolling stock are metro trains of project 81-717/714, developed back in the Soviet Union at the Mytishchi Machine-Building Plant and subsequently modernized. Thanks to a successful design, they are still produced today by a number of enterprises.
From June 17, 2015, new cars with a modern design, improved ergonomics and technical characteristics were put into operation in the Tashkent metro. The updated rolling stock carries passengers on the Chilanzar line. In the future, it is planned to modernize the park for other destinations.

When the subway was built in Tashkent
Design work on the construction of the Tashkent metro started in 1968, two years after a major earthquake hit the city in 1966. For this reason, the designers were required to prepare a set of measures to strengthen the load-bearing structures, which they did brilliantly. Although there were no more such powerful earthquakes, the subway withstood weaker tremors.
The design was entrusted to Tashmetroproekt, formerly a branch of the USSR Metrogiprotrans. In a short time, Uzbek builders managed to establish the necessary production base, organize the production of cast-iron tubing andreinforced concrete structures.
The tunneling team was based on the basis of the tunnel detachment No. 2, which proved itself well in the construction of the diversion tunnel in Andijan and underground facilities in Siberia. Metro builders had to solve many complex technical issues during the driving of distillation tunnels due to the unpredictable behavior of loess soils, typical for the geology of Tashkent. Sedimentary rocks with an abundance of limestone were strongly compacted due to the vibration created by the movement of mechanized complexes, forming voids into which multi-ton mechanisms fell through. As a result, progress was slower than planned. It was necessary to abandon the sinkers and dig tunnels using a non-mechanized shield method.
The construction of the first Chilanzar line began in 1972 and was completed on November 6, 1977 at nine stations. In 1980, the branch was extended, and in 1984 the second Uzbekistan line was launched. The first 6 stations of the third Yunusabad branch opened in 2001. Further development is seen in the construction of lines to densely populated residential areas located on the outskirts of the city.

The metro in Tashkent is an urban public mode of transport, accessible to all segments of the population. The administration is trying to maintain a reasonable balance between the cost of travel and the economic efficiency of the enterprise. However, over the past 10 years, the tariff has risen in price by 3 times.
From April 1, 2016, Tashkent metro tokens are sold at a price of 1200 soums (9.50 rubles). Travel cardscards for a month are offered for 166,000 soums (1,320 rubles). In the winter of 2018, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev expressed the need to reduce fares by increasing passenger traffic.

During the construction of the Tashkent metro, the responsible authorities did not save on the decoration of boarding stations and lobbies. Talented architects, designers, sculptors, first from all over the USSR, and later - national and foreign specialists were involved in the project. As a result, the subway of the capital of Uzbekistan is recognized as one of the most beautiful on the planet.
Each of the stations is decorated with artistic architectural elements and small sculptural forms, symbolically reflecting its name and theme. In the decoration of halls, landing platforms, passages and vestibules, national traditions of cultural, monumental and decorative arts can be traced. When finishing, black, red, gray granite, marble, ceramics, wood, glass, sm alt, plastic, alabaster, various metals and other materials are mainly used.

Chilanzar line (red)
The very first line of the Tashkent subway has a length of 15.5 km. Its opening took place on November 6, 1977, which makes it the first in Central Asia. In the 1980s, the distance was extended. Includes 12 underground landing stations:
Name | Former name | Translation | Station type |
"Olmazor" (Olmazor) | "Sabira Rakhimova" | "Apple Orchard" | Column |
"Chilonzor" (Chilonzor) | "Unabium Garden" | Single vaulted | |
"Mirzo Ulug'bek" (Mirzo Ulug'bek) | "50 Years of the USSR" | "Mirza Ulugbek" | Column |
"Novza" (Novza) | "Hamza" | "Novza" | Single vaulted |
"Milliy god" (Milliy bog) | "Komsomolskaya", "Yeshlik" | "National Park" | Column |
"Xalqlar do'stligi" | "Bunyodkor" | "Friendship of Peoples" | Column |
"Pakhtakor" (Paxtakor) | "Cotton Grower" | Column | |
Mustaqillik maydoni | "Lenin Square" | "Independence Square" | Monolithic column |
"Amir Temur xiyoboni" (Amir Temur xiyoboni) | "October Revolution", "Central Square" | "Amir Timur Square" | Column |
"Hamid Olimjon" (Hamid Olimjon) | "Hamid Alimjan" | Single vaulted | |
"Pushkin" (Pushkin) | "Pushkinskaya" | Column | |
"Buyuk Ipak Yo'li" (Buyuk Ipak Yo'li) | "Maxim Gorky" | "The Great Silk Road" | Single vaulted |
Perhaps this is the most beautiful branch of the entire subway.

Uzbekistan line (blue)
The first 4 stations of the Tashkent metro blue line began operation on December 8, 1984 and were later extended in 1987, 1989 and 1991. The total length is 14.3 km. Today it has 11 stopping points.
Name | Former name | Translation | Station type |
"Beruniy" (Beruniy) | "Beruni" | Single vaulted | |
"Tinchlik" (Tinchlik) | "Peace" | Column | |
"Chorsu" (Chorsu) | "Four Roads" | Single vaulted | |
"G'ofur G'ulom" | "Gafur Gulyam" | Column | |
"Alisher Navoiy" (Alisher Navoiy) | "Alisher Navoi" | Column | |
"Uzbekiston" (O'zbekiston) | "Uzbek" | Single vaulted | |
"Cosmonautlar" (Kosmonavtlar) | "Cosmonauts Avenue" | "Cosmonauts" | Column |
"Oybek" (Oybek) | "Aybek" | Column | |
"Tashkent" (Toshkent) | "Tashkent" | Column | |
"Mashinasozlar" (Mashinasozlar) | "Tashselmash" | "Machine builders" | Column |
"Dustlik" (Do'stlik) | "Chkalovskaya" | "Friendship" | Single vaulted |
A feature of the branch is its widespread use in the decoration of marble and granite.

Yunusabad line (green)
Third, the newest of the operating lines of the Tashkent metro has a length of 6.4 km. All 6 active stations opened for use on October 24, 2001.
Name | Former name | Translation | Station type |
"Shahristan" (Shahriston) | "Khabib Abdullayev" | "Shahristan" | Column |
"Bodomzor" (Bodomzor) | "VDNH" | "Almond Orchard" | Single vaulted |
"Minor" (Minor) | "Minor" | Column | |
"Abdulla Qodiriy" (Abdulla Qodiriy) | "Alai market" | "Abdullah Kadiri" | Column |
"Yunus Rajabiy" (Yunus Rajabiy) | "Yunus Rajabi" | Column | |
"Mingurik" (Ming O'rik) | "Lahuti" | "Mingurik" | Column |
Two more stations are scheduled to open in 2019: "Turkestan" (Turkiston) and "Yunusabad" (Yunusobod). 4 stopping points and the Yunusobod electric depot are at the design stage.

Sergeli line (orange)
In the 2000s, the republican administration commissioned the preparation of a plan to expand the metro network in Tashkent. The new branch is designed to unload the passenger traffic in the southern sleeping areas of the city. It will intersect with the Chilanzar line at the Olmazor station.
Despite the high cost of the project, active tunneling began at the end of 2016 and should be completed in 2019. The names of the stations of the Tashkent Metro Orange Line have not yet been approved, but are tentatively indicated in the project as:
- "Otchopar" (Otchopar);
- "A. Khodjaeva" (A. Xo`jaev);
- "Chashtepa" (Choshtepa);
- "Tursunzoda" (Tursunzoda);
- "Sergeli" (Sirg`ali);
- "Ehtirom" (Ehtirom).
Authorities are considering building a ring branch in the future, uniting all existing routes into a single network.