The population of Italy and its economic development

The population of Italy and its economic development
The population of Italy and its economic development

The population of Italy is over 60 million people, which brings the state to a leading position in Europe (in 4th place after Germany, France and the UK). The population of Italy is single-ethnic - more than 94% are Italians.

Population of Italy
Population of Italy

If you look at the structure of employment, you can see a fairly high percentage of the decline in the number of jobs in certain industries, but at the same time, a steady increase in employment in trade, banking and insurance is a common trend in highly developed countries. The population of Italy, for the most part (over 70%), lives in cities, the largest of which are Rome (2.72 million), Milan (1.3 million), Naples (964 thousand) and Turin (906 thousand). The state has a diversified industrial-agrarian economy with an industrial north dominated by private companies and a less developed agrarian south with relatively high unemployment.

Population of Italy
Population of Italy

The Italian economy is mainly driven by manufacturinghigh-quality consumer goods produced by small and medium-sized enterprises, many of which are family-owned. Many well-known brands of clothing, footwear, winemaking, automotive and other things have their facilities in Italy. These are Dolce&Gabana, Gucci, Ferrari, Lamborgini, Versace, Nutella, Martini and others.

Of course, one of the most important sources of income for the state is tourism, because now Italy is considered one of the most popular countries in the world among travelers. Its entire thousand-year history has been embodied in many historical architectural monuments. Rome, with its attractions: the Colosseum, the Forum, the Pantheon, as well as the dwarf state of the Vatican, is the most visited

Economic development of Italy
Economic development of Italy

tourists city of Italy. In addition to Rome, every vacationer is obliged to visit Venice - the "City on the Water", which many award the title of the most beautiful city in the world. Impressive and majestic palaces form a kind of mysterious world, where the impassive elegance of the Gothic coexists with the magnificent luxury of the Baroque. At the same time, in all corners of this "paradise" you can hear the splash of water, which, washing the plinths of buildings, reflects architectural creations. You can’t write about all the tourist places in Italy at once, you would have to write more than one volume. However, we list the rest of the most popular attractions: Florence with its majestic Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, the Leaning Tower of Pisa in Pisa and other historical heritage in Milan, Naples and Turin. Seafares are also famous

Pantheon - a favorite Roman attraction for tourists
Pantheon - a favorite Roman attraction for tourists

resorts of the Mediterranean and Adriatic seas. According to some reports, the population of Italy during the tourist season increases by 5-10 million people.

At present, Italy's economic development is moving forward steadily, thanks to numerous investments, stable growth in exports and a rise in the level of the service sector. However, there are also some problems. First, the country has a significant shadow economy, which, according to some estimates, is as much as 15% of GDP. Secondly, there is a drop in demand for Italian products among the mass market. The population of Italy also leaves its negative mark - the country has a relatively low birth rate, at which the so-called "aging of the nation" is observed.