Summer, as you know, is the time for holidays and vacations. And, of course, everyone is eager to throw off their boring office suits, pumps, push work obligations farther into the drawer, turn off the phone, the Internet, find a crazy panama hat or a bright hat - and go, swim, fly, or at least run to where you can relax body and soul. At this time, everything seems to be shouting: "I want to go south, to the sea!" And we succumb to the persuasion of commercials, summer songs, airy dresses and run for tickets for the next flight. Rarely come across vacationers who do not want to go to the sea. However, such people will also find something to do - they spend their time on climbing tours, hiking, excursions, reviews … As you can see, the range of interests varies greatly, but one thing remains unchanged - an interesting pastime and a lot of impressions from two weeks of freedom! And yet, favorite routes lead to water - to the majestic oceans, the azure of the seas, the mystery of the lakes and the simplicity of the rivers.

Rest in the Krasnodar Territory
In our country, rest in this summer landdoes not go unnoticed. It can be called one of the most popular. What can you say about a sea vacation? Relaxation on the beach, immersion in soft friendly waves … Yes, even boat trips and boat rides and other types of water transport. Not too entertaining, is it? After all, you need to get around the city and its surroundings, take a photo session, have fun on the rides … The Krasnodar Territory is replete with everything that is necessary not only for a "potato" holiday, but also for those who like to enjoy sports, try everything unusual and learn something new. The most popular holiday destinations in this corner of our vast Motherland are Sochi, Tuapse, Anapa, Gelendzhik. Not only Russians come here, but also guests from all over the former Soviet Union - it has become so famous as a land with a unique climate and gentle sea. Kilometers of beaches beckon, the sun is always kind, and the water is warm.

City of children's recreation
However, you may not be drawn to the charm of a large resort town. And if you are running from dust, noise, car horns, hustle, exorbitant prices, then Yeysk will be the best choice. Not as popular as Sochi or Anapa, but, nevertheless, with its own charms. A small Kuban town, where people come mainly for sanatorium treatment. The beaches are sandy and the sea is shallow. There are plenty of other attractions for the whole family: Crocodile Canyon, dolphinarium, water park, children's center, city amusement park. You can come here even with small children, and the baby will notwill get bored. Yes, one of the best places to spend a family vacation is Yeysk.

Vanitsa Dolzhanskaya
But if you are of little interest, then choose a vacation somewhere at a safe distance from civilization. However, remember: the quieter the place, the faster it can get bored with true citizens who are not used to seeing the starry sky. But here you can admire nature, absorb the vibes of the sun as much as you like. Such a place is the village of Dolzhanskaya. Resting here relaxes the body and allows thoughts to flow leisurely. So this is the best route for philosophers. And if the noisy and resort-like cheeky Krasnodar Territory is unpleasant for you, the village of Dolzhanskaya will gladly open its cozy, quiet arms. Dolzhanka, as the village is also called, is located in a wonderful place - at the very base of the sandy Dola Spit, which is on Azov, where the Yeysk Peninsula juts out into the sea. On the one hand - the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov, on the other - the Taganrog Bay. Here are exceptionally clean beaches and unique vegetation that will cure all ailments. Once Dolzhanka was chosen by the Cossacks of the Kuban. And now their descendants inhabit this piece of the Krasnodar Territory - this is a fairly large rural settlement with about eight thousand inhabitants. It would be useful for all travelers to find out what kind of weather the village of Dolzhanskaya is preparing. After all, it is known that the wind often blows there. However, on the spit, according to tourists, it's even good. Not far from the spit there is a group of small islands.

How to get there?
The village of Dolzhanskaya is located four dozen kilometers from the city of Yeysk. You can get there by car along the highway. Bus "Yeisk-Dolzhanka" runs every 2 hours. The road is of normal quality, posts are rare.
The village of Dolzhanskaya. Holidays for all tastes
As you probably already guessed, Dolzhanka is not the place where one could spend the summer on a grand scale: it is intended for a quiet, measured rest. Many kilometers of beaches and a friendly sea - that, perhaps, is all that the village of Dolzhanskaya is rich in. The recreation center - and not one - is located away from the settlement itself. However, active recreation is also practiced here: you can go windsurfing. There is also a campsite where you can live like real "savages". It is convenient to travel around these parts by car: you may save on housing, and besides, you will not be tied to a specific place.

Where to stay?
It's better if you book your accommodation in advance. So you can accurately calculate the budget. The most comfortable option is a turnkey house. A large one will cost you from 3000 rubles. per day, small - from 1500. You can often find ads for renting a house in the private sector. The hosts offer good conditions, amenities, food is often provided (the cost is from three and a half hundred rubles). Guest houses, mini-hotels will also welcome you with joy. And the price will be more democratic - from three hundred rubles a day. You can save on housing - after all, you don’t plan to lie in your room all day?

Reviews of tourists
For many years, the village of Dolzhanskaya has been very popular with savage tourists. Reviews of the vacation spent here, in principle, are positive, although there were some negatives. But this happens all the time, even in ultra-modern resorts. After all, how many people - so many opinions, and what is good for one is boring for another. So what do tourists say? Judging by the comments, even a budget vacation can be quite comfortable. Of the pluses, they note the beauty of nature, excellent sandy beaches, different depths of the sea, tranquility, reasonable prices (although sometimes it is they who sometimes make the review negative, they say, not too adequate - this is what kind of housing you will find). The disadvantages include underdeveloped infrastructure and muddy water from the shell rock.

Of course, rest is different than rest… Someone prefers trendy resorts with their discos, nightclubs and other entertainment, while someone gets untold pleasure from the calm contemplation of the surrounding beauty and unity with nature. If you belong to the second category, then you are right here - on Dolzhanka! Yes, there is almost no entertainment for noisy youth. But there are cafes, sports grounds, tennis courts and a museum of the Cossacks. The spit itself is a nature reserve. In August, the festival of driving music and extreme sports takes place - A-ZOV.

For any wallet
And, of course, do not forget about the costrecreation. Is the village of Dolzhanskaya expensive? Traveler reviews say that it all depends on the season. The biggest rise in prices is felt in the summer, so if you want to save as much as possible, go to the village for the velvet season. When traffic peaks, prices drop by more than a third.